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"And now I give you your ninth life" said Gray Wing. "Always be aware of your surroundings and always give the scrawny cats a chance as well" he meowed solemnly "Swiftstar you may now go."

 They walked in silence for a while but then Swiftstar couldn't hold it back any longer so he blurted out "Did you see that Petalleaf" he says excitedly. "Yes Petalleaf said but Swiftclaw wait Swiftstar" she says with a purr.

 "What Gray Wing said don't you think that's important?" She questioned.  "Hmmm Maybe I should not promote Snakefoot and make Nighttail deputy?" He asked

 "I can not help you on that, that is your choice alone."  "Wait" Swiftstar meowed "is that the camp?" He squinted his eyes, "It is!" Swiftstar dashed off towards the camp. Petalleaf was scared his energy could get in his way of his leadership. She was wondering if Duststar made a bad choice of making Swiftstar deputy. 

 Suddenly she hears a distant yell coming from afar.   And she sees a cat sprinting up to her.   It was Rabbitleap.  He gasped for air "Mapleleaf he gasped she... she's having her kits."  "Already she asks?" But she doesn't wait for an answer as she sprints off to the camp.  Meanwhile Swiftstar oblivious to the trouble Yells "all cats old enough to catch prey come to the ledge."

 Swiftstar, embarrassed, Declares too wait for the kits to be born. He was worried that cats would see this as a weakness in him.

  After that he announces a Clan Meeting again, "After long thought and consideration I have decided that the Deputy of Windclan will be Nighttail.  "Me?" Nighttail asks in amazement.  "Well I will do my best for my clan she meows." After the Clan was done chanting her name he yelled from the ledge "Clan Meeting Dismissed" 

"Wait Swiftstar" an old voice croaked. "Yes Eagleclaw" he meowed dipping his head in respect for the senior warrior. "I hope I have served my Clan well but these old bones can't hunt forever, may I retire to the Elders Den?" "Of course Swiftstar purred Eagleclaw has served us well for many moons we honor him for his service his voice rang out!"

 "Clan Meeting Dismissed."

Little did he know that the most important cat of Windclan history had just been born. Also Gray Wing didn't just mean Nighttail but also a cat that's fur gleamed like silver.

I am rewriting this but this chapter was made one year ago and I'll update it sorry for inconvenience!

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