Chapter 14

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Silverstrike picked up the squirrel with his jaw and started to munch on it, Silverstrike didn't like it much compared to a rabbit but he was forced to live in the woods which were moist, and he didn't have room to stretch his legs. "how do the other Clans live in a place like this" he grumbled. He looked up at the sky, the moon was slowly rising up into the air. The Gathering would happen soon. He should probably get going. He took his last bite of the squirrel and padded along the borders.

 Making sure to not step in a Clans boundaries until he reached Skyclan where what he saw was puzzling to say the least. He immediately walked into a strange assortments of Twoleg Houses. He wrinkled his nose in disgust he smelled Kittypet's all over. 

He looked at Skyclan's camp. He gasped, he never realized how small there clan boundaries were. It looked like there entire clan was only fixated in there camp which was also unusually small. Where all of the other clan boundaries this small. He never realized how big Windclan territory was. 

He watched as the cats left to go to the Gathering. He saw a scrawny white Tom who looked underfed leading his entire clan away. Wait entire clan? He looked as he saw Queens and there kits walk off. He was pretty sure none of the other Clans did that. "Cloudstar we must go quickly! We can't be late" a black tom meowed. So that was Cloudstar. Once the cats were out of site he jumped down from the ledge and followed.  As they walked towards Four Trees Silverstrike suddenly stopped in his tracks. The memory hit him hard. What Skystar said. Skyclan was in trouble and something was going to go down at this Gathering and Silverstrike needed to be there. He pelted off. 

He skidded to a stop when he saw Fourtrees. It had an aura to it that resembled peace. And he had a bad feeling that aura was about to disappear.

He looked all the cats... There were so many, he never knew there were so many cats in the world. Skyclan looked out of place with kits mewing. there was a calm moment and then it was broken. "Well a large black tom who must have been Houndstar growled why do you think it's okay to bring he paused looking at the Skyclan cats your entire clan here it's against the Warrior Code! Birchstar, Redstar, and Swiftstar looked expectedly at Cloudstar. Cloudstar shuffled his feet. "Skyclan needs land!" he announced. Birchstar, a pretty she-cat immediately responded "why should we give it too you?" Murmurs of agreement came from the cats below. "We owe you nothing!" That is true Birchstar he nodded at her "but surely you wouldn't let a clan leave the forest?" Gasps came from all of the cats. Redstar  meowed "and why would you leave the forest" he asked? "Don't pretend all four of you haven't seen what has happened to our territory. It has been destroyed, slaughtered by Twolegs" he yowled. "There have always been five clans and why should that change?" "Do you want my elders to have to walk for miles just to find a home that might never come? Do you dare to do such a crime to have kits still drinking milk, do you want to force them to move?" Swiftstar shuffled his feet. We don't but we can't give up our land. Pathetic Buzzardtail yowled. "If you were  where we were you would be asking us!" "It's different" he mumbled. "And how" Cloudstar snarled. He didn't wait for an answer. "Starclan would not want this!" We could fight the Twolegs a apprentice yowled from Thunderclan. Everybody looked at him. Or not he mumbled and ducked his head. Redstar, Birchstar, Swiftstar, and Houndstar put there heads to together and whispered. After awhile Redstar yelled "you will get no land! We can't spare any of it especially with Leaf~bare coming up!"

Silverstrike wanted to grab the throat of Redstar and rip it out! How could they be so blind? They can't just kick out a clan.

Kestrelwing  the Medicine Cat exasperated did a last gasp attempt and pleaded to the leaders, "please at least take our queen and her two kits and the elders!" Swiftstar stared at her in disgust. "No I wouldn't take your lame excuse for a ki-" "Yes Redstar interupted I do owe Skyclan. I will take in the queen and her kits not the elders, I apologize."

"Am I supposed to say it's alright now?" Cloudstar asked mockingly. "Your all pathetic. Starclan is angry!" He was right Silverstrike realized it had started to pour! "I guarantee you one day you will be banished from this forest and you will suffer what we did!" Cloudstar flicked his tail, he and his clan stomped off. The other clans immediately dispersed embarrassed of what had happened that night. He realized Skyclan was coming towards him and he dived into a bush. As Cloudstar walked by he saw he was crying, because the clan that could jump as high as the sun was gone... 

Once they were gone Silverstrike was prepared to go back to his makeshift camp 

"Who are you youngster?"

In Cloudstar's Journey there is the gathering where Skyclan was kicked out, I did not use that though and created my own version

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