Chapter Three

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Silverpaw was bored of apprenticeship.  He had imagined fights the first day,  lots of blood, and him being the hero of the clan.

  But a more accurate perception was Sharppaw bragging about the hawk he caught and Silverpaw cleaning out Eagleclaws ticks.

  Yes Sharppaw caught a hawk he tried  to tell himself it wasn't impressive but he knew it was.

  Aspenfur was sleeping and Eagleclaw could barely see so Wisppaw was happily pawing at Aspenfur's whiskers.

  But Silverpaw wasn't paying attention.  He was trying to listen to Eagleclaw who was muttering something without knowing it he must of been half asleep.  "Then I clawed at Cloudstar and Buzzardpaw attacked he was no match for me of course."

  "Last time I saw them at the gathering they still had those scars."  "Cloudstar Silverpaw interrupted isn't he the leader of Skyclan?"  Eagleclaw stirred "oh was I saying that out loud?" 

"Yes Silverpaw mewed."  "Well yes he is but at the time he was Cloudstorm."  "And Buzzardpaw is now Buzzardtail, deputy of Skyclan."  

"Both got higher ranks than me in life he muttered bitterly."  "Now get back to my ticks."  Once he was done it was nightfall so he went to sleep.

                                                                     1 moon later

Silverpaw sat there next to Sharppaw and Wisppaw as they welcomed Shredpaw, Frostpaw and Snowpaw into the apprentice den.  

While Icepelts's kits were begging Swiftstar to let them become warriors Icepelt was talking to Woodwhisker her mate.  

Shredpaw and Sharppaw immediately became best friends.  While in Silverpaws mind there soul existence was to torchure him.

  Snowpaw, Wisppaw, and Frostpaw became best friends.  They would always gossip about the warriors and chatter like birds but at least Cloudfur got mad at them for scaring all of the prey away.

Which made Silverpaw lonely.  But what kept him happy was that he knew that if he worked hard he would become a leader.  

Woodwhisker said he was improving.  He still wasn't as good as Sharppaw at anything but he held his own when they battled. But Sharppaw did cheat he would unsheathe his claws when they weren't looking and muttered in his ear "if you tell anyone I'll kill you me in Shredpaw."  

And Silverpaw believed him so he kept quiet.  Shredpaw was like Sharppaw sidekick he would follow him around everywhere.Sometimes they would go missing  Silverpaw had actually followed them once and saw them beating up kittypets.   

Silverpaw fell asleep soundly without realizing that Frostpaw had been staring at him the entire time.

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