Chapter Four

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Silverpaw woke up with a yawn.  He walked out of the Apprentice Den to find that the sun was already in the sky. He wondered why Woodwhisker hadn't woken him up."Shredpaw snickered "Finchfur told me to wake you up"  "But I didn't of course."  

Then his voice turned to longing "Cardinalpaw, Thornpaw and Littlepaw were becoming warriors"  Then he quickly regained his hostility.  "Well move it don't sit next to me he yowled."  Thornpaw and Littlepaw were littermates.  Cardinalpaw was one moon older than them but he was basically there littermate.  

They did everything together.  So it only felt right to make them warriors together.   Silverpaw wondered if the same thing would happen with Sharppaw and Shredpaw or Wisppaw,Snowpaw, and Frostpaw. 

 Speaking of Frostpaw she "meowed to him Silverpaw sit here."  "Ok" he muttered glumly if that happened he would be left alone he had no friends.  He figured Frostpaw was just trying to be nice.  

He was so sad he didn't even notice Wisppaw and Snowpaw giggling and Frostpaw glaring at them harshly.  Frostpaw meowed to him "so Silverpaw how has your day been so far."  

"Well Silverpaw said I woke up then walked over here" he mumbled.   Now Wisppaw and Snowpaw were laughing there heads off.   Silverpaw did notice that Frostpaw looked upset about his answer so he said "it's been good though thanks for inviting me over here."

Frostpaw looked happy about this and smiled.  He was wondering if Frostpaw could be his friend. He was about to say more when he noticed that Wisppaw and Snowpaw weren't laughing anymore and staring at the Ledge.

  He then realized they were waiting for him and Frostpaw to stop talking.  "Will you lovebirds be quiet already" Sharppaw yelled from the back.  Silverpaw licked his fur in embarrassment.  

And nodded to Swiftstar.  He couldn't help but notice that Swiftstar was smiling a little.  Now Swiftstar meowed three apprentices have passed their assessments last night so it is time for new warriors.  

"Cardinalpaw come here" Cardinalpaw stepped forward nervously.  "Cardinalpaw" Swiftstar repeated "Do you promise to uphold this clan with your life?"  "I do" Cardinalpaw said  "Then by the Powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name  from this day forward you will be known as Cardinalfeather"

"Thornpaw come up" Swiftstar said Once he got up there Swiftstar said the same things to Thornpaw then to Littlepaw.  There warrior names are Thorntail and Littlepelt.

Cardinalfeather,   Thorntail ,  Littlepelt they chanted.  Once they were done Nighttail came forward and said they will sit vigil tonight but why don't you three go on a large patrol you can all lead it she meowed. 

  Woodwhisker you go.  Which means Silverpaw she meowed hmmm who else.  Silverpaw noticed that Frostpaw was looking lonely so he said Can Frostpaw go he meowed.  Uhhh sure Nighttail mumbled which means Wildshine you go to. 

 Frostpaw smiled at him he heard some snickers but he ignored them.  "Next patrol...." Nighttail said.   Silverpaw stopped listening after that.  He was just happy he had made a friend.

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