Chapter 12 Cardinalfeather's POV and Nighttail

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Cardinalfeather watched as Silverpaw sprinted off. He had turned out to be a strong cat. He had thought at first he was weak when he walked into his makeshift camp. Only now did he understand Silverpaw was special. 

He turned his gaze back to the camp. He just stared at Littlepelt who was now getting up and talking animatedly to Rabbitleap. Jealousy pierced through Cardinalfeather's heart. 

He felt different and he didn't know why. Littlepelt was his sister. Or sister-like. Why did he feel differently.  Littlepelt had had a crush on Rabbitleap when they were kits. And he and Thorntail teased her about it. But she had gotten over him once they became warriors. Or had she? Were they mates now? The first time he had felt differently was right after Thorntail died. Had it been the fear that Thorntail would disapprove? Or had it just suddenly appeared? He didn't know and he wanted answers. 

But he knew one thing he loved that cat. Suddenly he felt the sudden desire to rip out the throat of Rabbitleap. He jumped down into the camp. And everybody stared for a second and then he was bombarded by his clanmates. Yelling "We thought Silverpaw killed you!" He shook his head and asked "Silverpaw? What about him?" He decided to play dumb. He heard this story that he doubted was true were Silverpaw ripped out the throat of Snakefoot in front of the whole clan then turned to Thorntail killed him in one swift bite then attacked Shredtail who was apparently some hero who now took down Silverpaw. So Silverpaw had fled. This was the type of story he was hearing. So he decided that Silverpaw's made more sense so he stuck with him. Cats where still surrounding him but he didn't care for any of them except Littlepelt. 

She purred up at him and asked solemnly "why did you leave me?" Cardinalfeather stared at her for a few long seconds and murmured "I don't know he said softly I really don't." 

                                                    SWITCH TO NIGHTTAIL

Nighttail wasn't stupid. Cardinalfeather didn't run off, Silverpaw runs off shortly after. And they didn't cross paths. Most cats were convinced that Silverpaw dashed off into the distance and would never come back. Nighttail knew better. Silverpaw was probably right outside boundaries. She also knew Silverpaw was innocent. Silverpaw got in a fight with his mother.  For good reason pounces Shredtail who is obviously the murderer. Then is suddenly a mastermind who somehow also killed Thorntail.  

There was a deeper threat here and she needed to know who it was. It wasn't Shredtail, it wasn't Sharpclaw. She felt they were just pawns in a huge plan that was much bigger than two young warriors.  And she new perfectly well that Silverpaw probably told Cardinalfeather everything. She waited for the crowd to die down around Cardinalfeather.

 And once it was just Cardinalfeather and Littlepelt who's tails were now intertwined. She heard a huff from behind her. She turned around and saw Rabbitleap glaring at the two. She lifted her tail and patted it on his back. "They'll be a cat for you" she meowed softly.  "You think" he asked hopefully.  "Of course" she purred. 

 Now back to business she thought with a grin but it quickly faded away. She padded over too Cardinalfeather and Littlepelt. She shot a meaningful glance. Cardinalfeather being clueless said out loud "what?" 

"We need to talk" she hissed strolling past him.  "Alone" she emphasized as Littlepelt started to follow. "Ummm ok" Cardinalfeather meowed.  He followed her until they were by a lone birch tree. "Look I got to get back and ummm" "Help Silverpaw" Nighttail interrupted. No why would I um help that traitor who.... He glanced at Nighttail who obviously wasn't going to fall for any of this dung. So he just meowed while staring at the ground. "ok yeah."  "But he's no-" "the traitor" she finished for him.  Cardinalfeather looked at her quizzically.  "How do you know all this?"

  "It was obvious" "I'm sure Silverpaw told you everything. Shredtail's fur was wet, Sharppaw was just staring at the ground holding back laughter. Silverpaw knew it too he pounced Shredtail." "Wow so he wasn't liking?" He had mostly believed Silverpaw but there was a small part of him that wasn't sure if he was telling the truth.  "Of course he was" Nighttail growled. They killed my brother. 

Wow Cardinalfeather thought I never knew they were related.

 "What's Silverpaw planning?" She   asked. Cardinalfeather explained to her about how Silverpaw had came to him first day. He told him everything then today they decided to come back. But they couldn't because they heard the accusations of Swiftstar and the rest of the clan yowling in agreement. So then he finally told her about how he Cardinalfeather need to get cats they can trust we're they'll meet twice a week. "One of them will be tomorrow"  The other will be on a random day. Okay Nighttail murmured thinking this over.  

Well you can count on me she meowed enthusiastically. What Cardinalfeather said roared in confusion "but your the deputy." And Nighttail meowed "you told me absolutely everything." "Oh yeah I did" Cardinalfeather muttered. "Well who can we talk too who won't go straight too Swiftstar?" She ignored this question "After the gathering?" "What" Cardinalfeather said confused "oh yeah after." "Okay your question" Nighttail meowed. 

"Littlepelt!" Cardinalfeather piped up. "Of course" she meowed exasperated. "Frostpetal" Nighttail meowed "and" "Frostpetal?" Cardinalfeather interupted. "Frostpaw Nighttail meowed clan life went on without you. It's leaf bare of have you forgotten we need as many warriors as we can get." Cardinalfeather looked guiltily at the ground.  "Wispfire, Woodwhisker, Finchfur, and Rabbitleap" she went on. "Rabbitleap?" "Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he's bad" she meowed coldly. "He agrees with me that Silverpaw didn't do anything." 

"Oh of course" he meowed looking at the ground. "What about Rockpelt your mate?" "I love him" Nighttail meowed "but he goes on about how Silverpaw is the murderer." We need to get back we'll tell those cats tomorrow. They walked back separately. Once they came back into there own warriors den. 

They both fell asleep fairly quickly both not knowing what they had gotten there selves into.

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