Chapter One

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Silverkit awoke only to hear the gentle snores coming from the old queen Olivecloud who would be having her litter any day now. He glanced over at Mapleleaf,Wispkit,and Sharpkit who were all asleep. Then he went to sleep as well. He woke up when the sun was bright outside. 

Mapleleaf looked down at him and said with a purr "you've been asleep ages I was about to wake you up myself" she meowed. 

"Go play with Sharpkit and Wispkit." "Okay he muttered glumly" as he was having a very good dream about him catching a rabbit. 

He walked out of the nursery only to find Sharpkit and Wispkit tumbling towards him. "What are you playing he asked?" "We're not playing Sharpkit said were fighting like warriors" he snarled and he was about to push Wispkit when suddenly a black tom came out of nowhere and was silent then he sneered "be careful we wouldn't want to lose any kits to such a noble cause." 

"What's your name" Wispkit asked? Snakefoot he replied.He knew the name from somewhere than it hit him Snakefoot was his father.  He was walking away so Silverkit squeaked "your are father aren't you that's what Mapleleaf said."

"Well yes but I'm not proud of it except for perhaps for you he nodded to Sharpkit you have the makings of a fine warrior Snakefoot jeered."

 He stalked off "well that was weird" Wispkit mewed. Silverkit was about to join the game when Aspenfur the old elder meowed "could you pass a hare for me and Eagleclaw?"

Annoyed but glad to help Silverkit brought it over to her. Then he remembered another elder Flamepelt.

 "What about Flamepelt he asked?" "Oh didn't you hear Flamepelt died last night" Aspenfur said. Silverkit didn't notice how much it pained her to say this

Silverkit's eyes widened "but don't be scared he's in Starclan now" she meowed softly. "Oh good" he squeaked as  he walked off and he passed the medicine cat's den. He forgot the name of the medicine cat Daisyfur, Petalclaw ,no Petalleaf. Petalleaf that was a nice name he thought. 

He then joined Wispkit and Sharpkit in there "fighting game". Then at night he asked Mapleleaf what is Starclan she was silent for a minute and then she answers by saying "that it were our ancestors are and there watching over us."

 "So Flamepelt is there" he asks "yeah I guess she said." Then she went to sleep. Little did he know that his mother did not believe in Starclan.


Silverkit woke up with a great idea he was going to Swiftstar and tell him he would one day be leader. 

 So he dashed into Swiftstar's den and immediately started talking "I'm going to be leader one day he meowed and I'll be your deputy and I'll replace you when you die." 

He then notices that Snakefoot and Nightail the deputy were also in the den. Swiftstar is about to speak when Snakefoot interrupts and growls "don't get your hopes up kit but of course he says in a mocking way a great leader would never betray his so called friend who he promised deputyship to." Swiftstar interrupted and said "Nighttail escort Silverkit out I need to talk to Snakefoot."

"Okay" Nighttail said who had been silent up until now. 

She meowed after they were out "don't you have other kits to play with its not just your littermates anymore" "But they are no fun he whined well to bad" Nighttail growled "you'll be an apprentice soon then you'll be able to train."  Silverkit lay there in the middle of the night thinking I'm going to be leader and nothing will stop me.

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