Chapter 13

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Silverpaw woke up early in the morning and stretched his legs. It had just occurred to him that he was a full grown a Tom now. He licked his fur. Jealousy stabbed him as he could imagine his littermates at there warrior ceremonies, all proud and being honored by the clan they were born and raised in unlike him who they believe is a murderer. He found it hard to believe that a rogue could live like this alone and afraid. It was scary,  you were alone, used to having twenty other cats protecting you. It made you think wrong...

Silverpaw was questioning his decision to help his Clan. 

If they were true kin they would have stood up for him not cower and believe the dung. 

If they were his actual friends they would have the common sense to realize that Silverpaw had never left Camp. 

If Swiftstar was a true leader he would have at least hold a trial.

 They were not his Clan!

 So why should he help them? Let the rabbit~brains believe Sharpclaw and Shredtail were hero's until they claw out your throats. And he would be safe in the forest muttering "I told you so!"  

But the truth was Silverpaw still saw of them as his kin. He didn't want too but he did. He still saw some of them as his friends. Even if they didn't return the friendship anymore.

"Silverpaw" he growled Silverpaw was a name for a weakling, an apprentice, he hated it. Silverpaw realized his chances of defeating Sharpclaw and Shredtail was slim. And he wasn't about to die with "paw" in his name. 

"My name  is Silverstrike!" He growled.

 He didn't know why he said it out loud. He guessed because it would make it sound more official. Silverstrike paused, his dreams of being leader were over. It was time to take down Sharpclaw and Shredtail and throw them on the Thunderpath! He unsheathed his claws and slashed at the tree practicing the moves he was taught. 

And when the time came he would avenge his father and kill any cat who got in his way!

Sorry this chapter Is so Short! :( But trust me it's an extremely important one! I'll try to make the next one longer!

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