Love Letter

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Dear Rachel,

You are a beautiful, intelligent, and a bright young lady and I want you to know, I've been admiring you for a long time now. I would like to ask, would you like to go out with me?

From: L.

This was my 5th letter I wrote to Rachel Kyson. I stuffed it in my locker when I saw her walk past me. She looked at me for like a half second then looked away. I've been crushing on her since freshman year and I'm now in Junior year. I never had the guts to ask her out because I was the shy type when it comes to the girls I had a crush on. I tried to get advise from my friend James and he told me to write her a letter but I get so nervous every time I'm around her, I just stuff the letter in my locker or hide it.


  I walked pasted that guy again and I saw him stick something into his locker. I sometimes wonder if he likes me or not because everytime I walk past him or even look at him he seems to get nervous and he starts to breath heavily.



Lance:Why were you looking at that stupid kid?

You:Don't call him that! He's very bright and intelligent.

Lance:I wouldn't give a damn if that kid was retarded! I don't like him and I don't think you should talk to him or look at him anymore!

You:First of all, you are not related to me and you have no say on who I see and speak with.

Lance:I don't care, do you even know his name?!

I stayed quiet, I didn't even know his name.



I got up and left. He can't tell me who to talk too or look at. As I was walking, I wasn't looking at where I was going, I was to angry dealing with Lance crazy talk. All of a sudden, I slammed into someone. When I looked up, I saw that guy that I looked at earlier and I was on top of him.


You:No, it's my fault, I should have been looking at where I was going.

I got off of him and helped him up.

You:I'm sorry again but my names Rachel. (I say holding my hand out for him to shake)

I now was interested in getting to know him. But instead of him taking my hand he just stood there without saying a word and stared at me.

You:Um.....yeah so I'm sorry again. I'll see you around. (I smiled and walked off)


I can't believe I didn't say a word to her when she was talking to me. All that was going through my head was looking at her smile and her beautiful face. I was so nervous though, I couldn't even utter the words I wanted her to know. I just hope she doesn't think I'm weird........

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