Commerce, Culture, Revolution

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 So, this was a little thing I wrote on amino because I was learning about the revolution in school, and analyzing the Declaration of Independence. It was also practice on writing England and America. It takes place after the Boston Tea Party, so it may be a little too close to canon for some, but I found it interesting so I wrote this. I just like the doodle, it turned out cute so...

 Also please keep in mind that this was practice for writing canon characters (America and England) so while I'm pretty sure that I got Iggy somewhat right, America may be a little out of character, however with the context of the moment (and also the fact that it gets easier writing characters as you go on) I'm uncertain.

 It has Massachusetts, Maine (Acadia in this), England, America, Quebec, and mentions of Virginia. Also, beware some King George the third mocking. Quebec's part is a little out of place but it is about the intolerable acts effects on the thirteen colonies (Massachusetts), which does include Quebec and how they benefited.


  England walked down the hall to see his king pacing around in a dramatic rage. England sighed, his head dropping into his hands.

 "Something happened in Boston again?" He asked. He in all honesty was tired of having to deal with Massachusetts' revolting behavior. First, the province and her people had yelled profanities at his soldiers, then used the Boston "Massacre" - England found it childish that she had used a word with such a meaning for five deaths - as a piece of propaganda, causing even America and Virginia to be upset with him. Even afterwards the girl had refused to acknowledge him when he had come to check up on the colonies.

 The king flopped onto his throne dramatically as though he were a noblewoman in a romance novel.

 "The colonists of Massachusetts dumped an entire shipment of tea into Boston Harbour!! this is a crime against the crown!!" He sighed dramatically as England froze, then began to quake. That child had done it. He had gotten rid of the taxes, save for the tea, which he lowered the bloody price of! how dare she! England internally raved more, whilst King George continued. "Surely we need to impose punishment on them, Great Britain?"

 England nodded his head and turned to leave. King George finished doing whatever he was doing, and jolted upward.

 "Great Britain, where are you going?"

 England stopped and turned to his ruler.

 "I'm going to go the colonies to put them in their places."

 Massachusetts coughed loudly as she walked with Acadia along the port of Boston. Acadia looked at her in worry as she smeared the tea colored blood - he could tell by the smell - onto her pant leg, thankfully the part not covered by stockings was the same shade of brown. This had been happening for a while now, ever since the tea party.

"Comment allez vous?!"

 Massachusetts turned to the boy, frowning. He'd been asking that every day.

 "I'm fine, Acadi-" she covered her mouth as she wretched out more blood. It was still tinted the color of tea, Acadia noted, as it poured through her fingers.

 Massachusetts lifted her head and looked at the young dockworker gawking in horror. She adverted her eyes and quickly walked away with Acadia in tow, grabbing the handkerchief in her pocket and wiped the blood up as well as she could. Acadia looked up at his sister worried. when he felt a sudden jerk.

 Quebec felt as though he had never been in better health. 'Le sentiment et estrange...'  he noted to himself. Suddenly he had remembered what this feeling was. Expansion. He smirked to himself. He got more land.

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