New York's Overprotective Sister

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Wanted to write about my baby girl Long Island, the first Dutch colony, sooooo here's this

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Wanted to write about my baby girl Long Island, the first Dutch colony, sooooo here's this. Also, enjoy this drawing of Long I did awhile back.

Plot: Long Island is that type of older sibling and New York just wants to hang out with Mass without threats but just barely and there's pizza involved.


New York really should've known.

Well, how could he really? He didn't expect Massachusetts to  break into his apartment.

"What- why are you here?" He brushed back his hair, Staring at the grinning Masshole banging on his window.

Massachusetts by some measure managed to open the window from the outside. "Hiya, Yorkie! It's wicked cold out here, could I come in?"

She didn't wait to invade, climbing in as New York attempted to contain his laughter. "Mass, did you get kicked out of the hotel again?"

Massachusetts lifted her head up haughtily. "Hm, well apparently the hotel staff doesn't like it when you rearrange all the circuits to continually play sweet Caroline. Don't know why though. But anyways, how ya doing bagel boy? Can I raid your booze."

New York payed no mind to the masshole's not-so-much-a-question-as-a-demand, laughing at the absurdity of her statement. "Ha, god if you even try to pull that on me I'll report you to the police."

Massachusetts gasped in faux shock. "I've never done anything wrong in my life!"

He cocked an eyebrow at that. "Really?"

Mass dropped the act. "Man, you mid Atlantic's are no fun. You keep holding the stuff I've pulled over me like your better."

New York stood up, and smiled smugly whilst crossing his arms. "Well, I am the financial capital of the world!"

"Yeah, and I'm still richer than you. Welp,  what food you got -"

Suddenly, a blur rushed through the door, and Mass was pinned to the ground with a pizza cutter to her throat. Long Island glared, gritting her teeth and breaking out the old Italian accent. 

"Dammit bitch, don't break into my house! I'm tired of you invading my brother's space!" 

New York sighed, shrugging his shoulder's at his twin's behaviour. "Come on Long, it isn't like she brought any weapons this time."

Long Island brushed off her brother's attempt at settling. Mass lifted her arm, slowly pushing away the pizza cutter. "Really, a pizza cutter. That's lame."

The other girl grimaced, getting off of the masshole. "Oh shut up you little shit, it was the only thing I was holding because Tony the pizza guy hates me and didn't cut my order.

New York perked up at the mention of the flatbread slathered in sauce and cheese. "Where's the pizza, I need that pizza."

Massachusetts stared at the twins, as they went into the other room where a box of NY style pizza lay. 

"I'm getting the hell out of here!"



NY and MA don't have a hatred for each other more than a frienemie thing with some kinda romantic tones depending on how I write it. This focused more on the friend thing than the slight romantic, but man I sure love me some NYxMA 

Long Island, as I have stated in "Two not Quite States" is personified due to them trying to gain statehood in the past. They failed due to lack of representation. But I was like, "hey, why not make this too to not only represent Long Island but also aspects of NY I couldn't fully portray with my son here."

New York is one of my favourite ocs I need to draw him more

Pizza cause NY pizza 

Edit- I didn't explain that along Island has a stereotype about being super Italian American and that the people can (stereotypically) break out into an italian accent. Very sorry for not explaining that sooner!

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