some state relation info

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 So this is somewhat hard with the individual states being bound by the constitution that they are unable to form any alliances with nations whatsoever, however there's a lot more that I can go off of thankfully! Anyways, I decided to tell you about how the states' relations with others work, so the context would be easier. this also has some of headcanons to just... I don't know help y'all get the gist of my statetalia au (yeah I call it an au). this comes from looking at things such as canon characters like Germany's brothers (his states, all of which were older than him) and Japan's feudal domains and prefectures, as well as collected research on the states.

Most States fall under the America effect of aging faster than other nations as they are part of America, a successful nation who aged very fast due to prosperity. Because of prosperity, certain states are both older and younger than others. Massachusetts is life wise younger than Maine, however as Maine was so underpopulated that historically in real life the only reason they never got a charter to separate in colonial times (unlike RI, NH, and CN) was his size, he stayed a young ish child until about the middle of the revolution, when he was physically thirteen and Mass, a highly successful Colony with a major trade port, large population, and achievements that made her stand out as a top colony and further more a commonwealth when independence was declared, was around late sixteen physically. Now physically Mass is 21 and Maine is 19. They are, however, inferior to the nations, being for the most part little thorns in their sides where as America would be a hue hindrance.

Hawai'i is an exception, as she was independent of anyone until the United States overthrew her for around 1500 years of her life, with a set culture and history that goes back further than Japan (Hawai'i is 300 years older than Japan historically). She started out like China, a representation of many similar yet not always together "nations" (no offense to the separate islands I just don't know a proper word). She officially gained notable nationhood with the Kingdom of Hawai'i, though she was at nation standards originally. If she were aging like another state she would be much older, around forties or so. however she is physically 25, though most states refer to her as old woman, old hag, granny, or Boomer when she acts superior.

Around half the states are older or the same age as America. This is based around a headcanon. America is a representation of all america, not just the government or a state or few. He is the whole of america, the full identity. In my headcannon, at the very earliest (and best, as the other times would make no sense with what we see in canon) He was born at the formation of the first point in time where the fated states was seen as more than a collection of Britain's colonies, The New England Confederation in around 1640. That was an alliance between most yankee states. However, it took years for the American identity to devolp, which makes up America being shaped as the person he is today.

States are born with the earliest date of settlement, though it does depend a lot on what seems sensible for their character. As such, Hawai'i is super old for a state, Florida was formerly the oldest till he was knocked from there by the former, North Carolina is the oldest British colony, and Massachusetts is so confusing that I just settled on defaulting to Plymouth Colony (while it was for a time separate from Massachusetts they were created for similar reasons with similar religion and culture in the same place with the same land). Kansas is very young (around thirteen to fourteen) because she is a newer state settlement wise, though her childhood was full of hardships. Also, some almost states like Long Island and Jefferson are also personified, though not all almost states are.

The states are a sort of loose family. They would undeniably defend each other in times of war, but it's not as though they view themselves as that close. They have families within the union, and are practically inseparable in that sense of what makes their families. they also have romantic and platonic relationships. And the thirteen colonies, while are not all completely related, are all cousins of America, though whether they are his first second or third cousins are debatable.

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