White Mountain Time

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I love my babies.

New England takes a vacation to the white mountains in new Hampshire. Rhode Island questions why everything is named after Norway. Sorta plotless but I wanted to write a family New England fic, but just a little short.

Here's a bit of context first.

1. This fic is based off my vacation to New Hampshire (white mountains). But not really, it just take place in the same place, which only stands out to me because 1. Tubing, and 2. Why is everything named after Norway?

2. There's some mentions of a tower in Rhode Island. Basically everyone thought it was made by Vikings. It was just a British mill. It kinda makes it harsher to poor Rhodey when there's still New England Viking settlement theories when none are in Rhode Island anymore.


Rhode Island stared at the cabin, his bags in his hand as he exited the backseat of Connecticut's expensive car. Massachusetts, who has exited the passenger seat earlier and was helping connecting get most of the stuff out of the trunk, peered over at him.

"What's wrong?"

Rhode Island looked over at his sister. "Why is the place called Oslo?"

Connecticut poked his head out from the trunk. "This whole area is pretty Norwegian, Rhodey. Didn't you see the other signs too?"

Rhode Island huffed, and started to walk over to the cabin. Of course he didn't know! It's not like he was at the same pace as the rest of New England. "Yeah, how? More than that old tower of mine, huh!"

"What's wrong?"

Massachusetts ran up to her brother, holding Adams tightly in her arms. "Why are you still salty about that tower? I gave up on that cor-"

"Shut up."

Massachusetts, though miffed, changed the topic.

"Well, aren't you glad Hammy invited us here! It so pretty, and we can go tubing, hiking, snowshoeing, sledding, skiing, HOCKEY!-"

Massachusetts froze as an ax swung past her face too close for comfort, still in the position of excitement of her favourite winter sport.

Connecticut waved at Maine, who had just lost grip of the ax. "Hi! You're already here!"

Maine, as Adams started to scratch at the wood, smiled. "Hi! Sorry about the ax! I missed her by a bit!"

The door to the cabin was suddenly swung open, and New Hampshire glared at his siblings. "Seriously, will you guys just come in, there are other people at this resort!"

Connecticut shrugged. "Sorry Hammy, just catching up."

New Hampshire looked at his older brother unamused. "We literally live closer together than most other states."

Massachusetts ran up, shoving Connecticut into the ground. "Whatever, good to see ya!"

Adams ran into the cabin thing, and Vermont bent down to pet the cat. Adams purred, weaving his way through Monty's legs.


Wow that was abrupt. This has been in my drafts for too long and my brain just... pppptthhhhh-

1. Rhode Island has a tower that people thought was made by Vikings. It was just a british mill tower.

2. Massachusetts has a cat, and he is Adams national historical district

3. Mass meant to say corpse. There was a corpse that wore Viking armour. But we don't know if it's authentic because it was destroyed in a fire back in the 1800s.

4. Maine has a habit of throwing his axe hatchet thing at Mass. he does love her, but one, she stunted his growth, and two, surrendered him to the man who took away his father figure years after. They've mostly made up but he gets annoyed with her.

5. Rhode Island is kinda insecure about himself, do to his stereotype being "Everyone here says this is the worst state" and because he doesn't always achieve as far as the rest of New England. But hey, at least he has the title of "Vampire Capital of America" for long and convoluted reasons you should totally look up yourself :)

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