Dancing in the Wide Open Field

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 Little Tennessee fic since I never write her for some reason. Honestly she deserves better, a lot of the time it's really not obvious she's Tennessee without further background from her (somewhat outdated) bio. So here's Tenna (the nickname I give her) or Shelby (human name, named her after my old county 🌝)

 Warnings; the end has mentions of war, particularly Tennessee's support of D.C after the burning, and the Tennesseans who faced each other on opposite sides of the civil war. I really tried to make sure that these weren't prominent in the one time they're mentioned- war is a serious topic and the civil war was a horrible time of people who could have known each other brutally murdering each other. Hopefully I did a good job of loosening that so it wasn't able to offend anyone!


 Tennessee wasn't unfamiliar to these times. In fact, they were some of the greatest things in her life. She had seen horrible things, what nation or state hadn't, but the darkening sky over her lands seemed to allow everything painful to drift away.

 As she looked up at the sky turning red, then blue with the coming of night. Oh, the evening is a gift from god!

 Currently, she just needed to get home. Of course, home was a very hard to define term to her. Was home the mountains in which she was born as Wattauga? Was it the spike of Nashville or Memphis in their wildest hours, as music spilled from the buildings and restaurants in a joyous manner, as she sang and dance? Was it her little farmhouse right outside Nashville, where Smokey awaited her return with as much excitement a raccoon could really muster?

 Currently, home was the fields just a stretch outside these places, specifically her farmhouse, brimming with the full beauty of the night and shinning stars. Tennessee pushed back her short blonde hair behind her ear, running and puffing as she reached the old wooden fence, worn with the decades as she hadn't, beginning to fall apart.

 She stopped, trying to regain her breath. Tennessee laughed, the light sound blending with the wind.

 "Sure am glad I didn't take the guitar!"

  Without any response (though truly, what had she expected) she climbed over the old fence, once done her cowgirl boots hitting the ground with a "thump" slightly muffled by the overgrown grass.

 Tennessee inhaled the musty scent, and walked forward calmly with slight demeanor. To those who didn't know her, it would've seemed hesitant. But to those whom were closest, Charlotte, Texas, Ginny and; she frowned, she would never admit how close they really were; Kentucky, it was a rush of all the times before, the passing of the moment that for a small moment slowed her, before she bolted off further into the field, the twilight overhead as the moon rose from the East.

 Tennessee laughed, and as she ran, sang her own praises, dancing in the tall grasses. Tennessee wasn't unfamiliar to these times. In fact, they were some of the greatest things in her life. She had seen horrible things, what nation or state hadn't, but the darkening sky over her lands seemed to allow everything painful to drift away. For every time she had seen something akin to D.C's burns from Canada's flames that pushed her towards unsurmountable anger, every time she relived facing her own people in the cruelest of wars,

There would always be a wide open field to dance in.


Okay notes-

Wattauga territory was one of the first settlements in modern Tennessee.

Memphis and Nashville are the two most major cities in Tennessee, and they're both renown for their music; Nashville is the country music capital of the world, and, from a former Memphis girl here, rock and blues is still incredibly prominent there.

Thatta bout it

This is pretty short, but whatever 

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