Dunkin' do Not

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I wanna write about Massachusetts' Dunkin' problem. Also her driving. So why not. Also, of course New York is here. He's just so much fun to write in a reactionary situation.


Massachusetts sighed, gazing out the window. New York glanced over at her, barely taking his eyes off the road. "Why are you being like this?"

She huffed, tossing her body to face him. "I want Dunkin'."

"Mass..." New York cast an exasperated sigh. "We're in the middle of nowhere. There's not gonna be a Dunkin' Donuts.

She didn't seem to listen, now intently peering out the window, looking for the familiar sight of orange and pink. "I want coffee though." New York wanted to laugh.

"We'll get coffee when we get to Springfield. Right now, we are not near-"

"GIMME THE WHEEL-" Massachusetts lunged to New York, forcing him into an awkward position as she gripped the wheel, swerving and turning off the turn signal. The New Yorker screamed, holding onto his seat for dear life. "DEAR GOD, MASS-"


The car swerved into a parking lot, the rear definitely scratching against the wall. Massachusetts exited the car, running to the building a short walk away. New York ran to the back, observing the damage (mild scratches and ruined Yankees sticker).

"Mass, what the hell!" He glared at the woman currently hugging the establishment.

"It's a Dunkin'! Oh, sweet mercy, it's a Dunkin'!"

She ran in, getting her wallet and slamming on the counter, the dead inside cashier not even surprised by the masshole.

"Ah, yes." The cashier looked up unamused. "The same as always."

Massachusetts made finger guns at her. "Ah ha, you know it!"

The woman turned in taking the coomonwealth's order. "Damn Bostonians..."

New York ran into the place right as Mass had payed. "You scratched my car!"

Massachusetts nonchalantly eyed him. "But I got you a bagel."

New York looked down at the bag she held out. He glanced back up at her.

"You're the fucking best." He took the bag, wrapping his arm around her as they exited. "Just, uh..."

He smirked his usual smile. "Can we please listen to something other than the history of bio engineering?"

Massachusetts shook her head. "There's no way in hell."


Yes. Dunkin'.

I know that this is pretty short (as per usual my writing) but whatever.

Springfield (at least this one) is a city in western Massachusetts. It's the birthplace of basketball, Dr. Seuss, the M1 garand rifle of ww2, and a lot of other stuff.

There's always a Dunkin' Donuts at least three miles away in every Massachusetts town. This one is in the Berkshires, the New York Massachusetts border. The Berkshires (or anywhere in the western half of MA) is pretty done with Boston's shit, and Mass sounds like a Bostonian, having lived there for the past 300 years. Hence the Damn Bostonians line. Boston is also known for having the most asshole, lawless and reckless drivers in America.

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