Two not-quite states

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Ah, how I love Long Island. I had to write a  fic for her eventually. this is also really short.

states present; Long Island, California, Jefferson, mentions of Oregon, New York, and Connecticut. has mentions of NYxMA, CAxOR, and Long Island x Connecticut

trigger warning: while it doesn't directly state it, it mentions the fires in California for a bit.


 Long Island looked around at the outside of California's Los Angeles mansion. It was definetly modern, not at all like their homes back on the East Coast, which were either large pethouses in the case of her and New York, or large Mansions about as old as the state who resided in them. Despite the definetive modernity of the residence, the fence was undeniably under heavy influence of the Spanish and Mexican influences, as not a single brick shown under the clay or plaster (Long Island had no clue as to which of the two it was). Peering through the definitely European gates, the Chinese Garden that would usually make New Jersey squeal in delight was at the stage of decline, as the weather began to chill even here.

 She placed her finger on the buzzer. "Hello? Cali, it's me, Long! Could you open the gates?"

 She heard a slight whisper, undecernable to her ears, before California opened the gates.

 At the front entrance, California opened the door to the Island, exchanging greetings before entering.

 California scratched their head calmly, scruffing the dark roots of their short dyed blonde hair. "How have you been, Long?"

  The conversation was undeniably akward. While New York certainly knew the Golden State well, seeing as the Empire State was a close friend if not opponent to California, Long Island hadn't really cared to take part in the interaction untill California had revealed the little boy they and Oregon had adopted. The proposed state of Jefferson came around during the middle of the twentieth century. When he unevitably was not admitted to the Union, Long Island came around to comfort the boy. He was like a nephew to her, and they were two of the same. While California and Oregon liked that they would meet up, and had a go to babysitter, she had never really attempted to socialize with the others, leaving that to her brother.

"Good. New York and the Masshole went to upstate for a weekend, so I asked Connie on a date. He was more than willing, and after pizza we chilled at the penthouse." Long Twisted the precious ring around her finger. California smiled, and laughed. "Really, that's good to hear! By the way, thanks for babysitting Jeff for awhile. I got to go Christmas shopping, and I'm not really in the place to get a babysitter." 

 They rubbed their arm, motioning to their back. Long Island nodded in understanding. She couldn't imagine what it was like. Or, she could, from that day back during the revolution, and didn't wan't to feel that ever again.

 As they entered the living room, a young half Latino boy ran up to them, hugging his auntie. California brushed off being ignored by their own child and pat Jefferson's head.

"Okay Jeff, you be a good boy while I'm off. And Long, please don't let him stay on his phone all day." Long Island nodded, and let go of the proposed state, who promptly put his new phone in his pocket. Jefferson usually was calm, being based in the majority of NorCal, however he did enjoy having someone to talk to other than the other rich folk that they neighbored.

 Jefferson waved goodbye to his parent. "Bye Mom!"

 After California exited the house, Long Island turned to face the boy, a mischievous smirk on her face. Jefferson turned to face her, a similar expression marking his face. They shook hands, and Long Island crouched down to boy's height.

 "So, what movie will your parents not let you watch, but you really want to go see?"

Jefferson grinned widely. He walked over to California's immense pile of cinema, and pulled out a movie with a some what suggestive cover. Long Island looked over the summary, and, finding it not too inappropriate for a twelve year old who was actually in his seventies, put it in the player.

 "Do you want me to get popcorn?" Jefferson nodded, and sat watching the movie as the sound of popcorn popping filled the house.



Long Island and Jefferson are proposed states. They never passed, as Long Island had too little representation, and Jefferson was kinda dropped after Pearl Harbor.

spot the influences in Cali's home décor.

New Jersey is the Garden State, so I couldn't help but make a reference. Gardening is also his closed intrest, a common trait of autistic people (one of the only people from NJ I know used to work with autistic children. The process they set up to help the kids adapt to the world around them was amazing to me, because she spoke about it as though it was normal to put this much effort into helping people function in society. I felt as though, at least for myself, I could view New Jersey as a three dimensional character rather than a pathetic joke).

Jefferson was supposed to be seceded out of NorCal and South Oregon. I don't like to have my states to have biological children (especially because Cali is a little older than Oregon physically), so even though they have traits of their adoptive parents, they came into the world like anyone else  - they just poofed into existence.

People in my part of MA go to Upstate New York to visit loved ones. And I don't want my state to be completely just Boston and some other famous cities.

Long Island was once part of Connecticut, though she was the first Dutch settlement, so she is New York's older twin.

Cali is Latina / Latino, and Oregon is white. Jefferson, being part of both of them, if half Latino. 

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