Don't Touch California's Wine

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plot; Cali unleashes all hell on Nevada, who stole their wine.

characters; California, Nevada, Oregon

I wrote a fic about alcohol without mentioning Mass!


 Nevada snickered to himself as he looked at the fine booze that laid in his hands. All the states were well aware of the quality of California's excessive wine. Cali often took a handful of states to one of the many vineyards, and after the tours would bring them to tastings. Nevada had only once before tasted the booze, and it was certainly better than the cheap stuff he would get at the convenience store a little far out from Vegas. He smiled to himself, he remembered, as the alcoholic grape juice slid down his throat, causing that all too familiar burning sensation. It was undoubtedly good booze.

 He was just about to pop open the bottle with the alien themed corkscrew in his hands, when the air was pierced by a loud crash from the doorway, and a low growl.

"Nevada..." California stood in the door authoritatively. The narrowed their eyes, scanning the entry way for the tiny (at least by west coast standards) gambler. Not finding him there, the livid Californian marched into the poker room. The area was dimly lit, save for the light handing over the poker table. California was here often, as they were close with Nevada. They loved to watch whatever poor soul decided to gamble against the Nevadan, and slowly loose everything they bet. As such, California was well aware the usual state of the room was nearly the same as that of it in the moment. Nearly.

 They walked around the circular poker table nonchalantly, stopping at the upside down crate behind the other end of the room. It usually held whatever cheap alcohol Nevada had decided to bring home. California theatrically spun to stand side by side with it, before sliding down the right height and ripping the crate off the ground. Nevada, just  uncovered, clutched the liquor screaming with horror.

 California grabbed the collar of Nevada's shirt, lifting the screaming surprisingly-an-adult. Nevada looked at his sibling with immense fear. "Hey, Cali I'm really sorry about-"

 He unfortunately didn't finish, as Cali ripped the wine from his hands before chucking him onto the ground. Nevada let out a small groan, flipping over to see California about to smack him with the crate. Thoroughly terrified, he rolled as fast as he could, running away from the pissed Californian. Cali, still very upset, screamed at Nevada.

 "Is it too hard to just fucking ask?"

Nevada turned to face them again. "I thought it didn't matter that much!"

 California ran up to him, providing a good smack to the face. "Yeah, but you don't like, take other people's stuff without permission! Especially since, like, you know, I may have been saving it for something!"

 And so, Oregon stood awkwardly in the doorway of Nevada's suburban Vegas home, standing there as his neighbor whacked the shit out of a very scared Nevada, knowing that in a month neither of them would care anymore.


the convenience store Nevada mentioned was just a joke to show part of his character.

Nevada has an alien corkscrew because area 51.

Nevada is 5"9, due to sparse population.

California produces the most wine out of any US state.

Cali is very easily upset.

Cali does practically everything like it's a Hollywood movie fight scene when it comes to their anger.

Cali says "like" a lot.

Oregon is much more than California's neighbor, considering they adopted and raise a kid together.

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