So the Nevada birthday fic deleted itself. have a mini bio.

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 I wasted all my time on that. Hours of love for my Nevada's strange behaviors and Utah's caring mom like behavior to everyone. wasted. I want to cry. anyways- here's a sucky bio.


Male, Mexican American

celebrates his birthday on October 31st

incredible at gambling, has only lost a game twice in his life

believes the aliens are coming to get us

even sleazier than New York

way to lustful to be trusted not to flirt.

adores the peace of the desert

give him the dragon fruit Starbucks drink he needs it

will either eat really healthy or insanely bad for you foods

big bisexual

believes too many conspiracies

okay sucky bio is sucky forgive me Nevada  I love that one restaurant Skinny Fats.

I'm so broken. but yeah, he's still in need of some development, a little too vegas-y, even if that is the stereotype. if you have any info, PLEASE HELP

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