Penn's Dirty Santa Man

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this is a little drabble about Belsnickel I posted on Amino.

states: Pennsylvania and Massachusetts


Massachusetts looked at the Keystone state with amused confusion. Pennsylvania was currently in the process of cleaning a whip. However, it wasn't the whip that had surprised the Masshole. It was the large figure the loomed over him as he hummed Christmas tunes.

"Um... Penn? Who's that over you?"

Pennsylvania jerked his head up from the whip. "Oh, Massachusetts. For a second I thought that a homeless man was hovering over my door, but it was just you." He smiled as the creature stared at the Massachusite.

Mass stared at the man behind again, before throwing back her arms as she walked into the Keystoner's home. "Wow, that was uncalled for." She spun on her heels once she reached them, and motioned to the dirty garment Donning man behind Penn. "I'm gonna say it again. Who is this?"

Penn stared at the other commonwealth. He turned to the hulking figure behind him. "Oh! That's Belsnickel!"

The man smiled largely. "Hallo Frau Massachusetts! My name is Belsnickel!" The man was somewhat scary in his cheeriness. Almost like Russia, but German. And bearded.

Massachusetts stared uninterested. "Ah, the scary Santa dude." She turned to Penn. "So this is the guy that scratches your windows and punishes naughty kids."

"Yup! He gives candy to the good kids though!" Pennsylvania turned back to the whip and continued polishing. Massachusetts stared blankly again. "So... you're not going to ask why I'm here?"

Penn didn't look back up. "Nope, I know you're here to raid my alcohol."

Massachusetts smirked. "Ha, yeah. That's it. Do you have any Sam Adams?"

Penn shook his head. Massachusetts huffed to herself and turned back to the door. "Well, that journey was useless." She peered back at the two. "Merry Christmas guys."

And with that she left the boy and the monster to their own devices.


Belsnickel is a Christmas monster from Pennsylvania, though he was originally part of southern German traditions, that were brought to the US when William Penn opened up Pennsylvania as a colony of acceptance. They brought their traditions with them and it's part of what makes modern day Pennsylvania Pennsylvania.

Mass sounds like a guy. It's just fitting of her personality to the point my barely into Hetalia friend goes "that makes complete sense for some reason".

Massachusetts has her own demons, satanic stuff, and gateways to hell, all of which are much more creepy and crazy than Belsnickel, so a dirty scary version of Santa doesn't really do much to get a reaction out of her.

Mass loves beer. She was low on Sam Adams in this Drabble, and didn't want to waste money (it's weird because she's actually kinda rich but she prolly gonna spend the rest of her spare money on her brothers for Christmas).

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