Chapter Two

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It was really weird and confusing why Azael just flew off like that "well that was....strange" Mikey said "yeh, why would she freak out about the Ooze?" I asked facing my brothers "it's like she had a flashback about it or somethin'" Mikey said "I just think she's playin' with us. She does work for the Shredder" Raph said with a growl, he did have a good point. I looked at Donnie and he looked like he was thinking. "Donnie?" he turned to me and said "Azael freaked out about the Mutation, maybe somethin' happened to her involvin' the Mutation" Donnie said "Azael has wings that she can turn to metal and is really strong, what else could it be? It's not like she was born with them?" Raph said trying to make a point, he obviously didn't like Azael.

"Maybe she was? What is somethin' happened to Azale's family and the Mutation got into her blood changing her" Donnie explained "are tryin' to stick up for her Donnie?" Raph asked, I could see he was getting annoyed about it "no, all I'm sayin' is Azael could be a Lap Rat to Shredder" Possibly."Maybe Donnie, but she's workin' with Shredder" I said sternly "talkin' of Shredder, what do you think he wants with the Mutantion anyways?" Mikey asked "I'm not sure. C'mon let's get back to the lair, Suns comin' up" I said. As we headed back to the lair, I noticed the look on Mikey's face. He had it when we caught eye to eye with Azael.

Soon we got back to the lair and Mikey went straight to his room. He didn't even say anything, just left. "Oookay, what's wrong with Mikey?" Donnie asked as we watched him walk into his room "yeh, he doesn't go to bed this early, he always up watchin' DVD's and eatin' Popcorn and Pizza" Raph said. "Somethin's up with him. When we were in the alley-way, Mikey didn't look to happy, it was like there was somethin' on his mind" we were all very worried about Michelangelo. " Or someone" Raph mumbled. "Let's just give him space, I'm sure he'll be fine in the Mornin'" Donnie as we went our separate ways "I do hope so"


Time passed and Mikey still hadn't left his room "I'm really worried about Mikey. He hasn't left his room all day. He even missed his shows, and Pizza" Donnie said looking up at Mikey's room. "Somethings botherin' him." I said "I bet he knows somethin' about her, and I'm gunna find out what" Raph growled jumping up to Mikey's room "Raph wait!" I called but he didn't listen. Nothing new. With a groan me and Don followed him.

We now stood in the door way and saw Mikey sitting with his Shell facing us. "She saved my life. When we were fightin' Shredder a few months ago. Shredder was about to finish me off, but she jumped in the way takin' the blow. I was really shocked and confused why, I'm still confused now. Before we got away, I looked back at her. I wanted to help but knew I couldn't. She gave me a smile and a nod, like she was saying 'I'm okay' .When we met her a few nights ago, I saw the scars on her side where she had been hit. One night when we were on patrol I saw her again trainin' on the roofs. I wanted to talk to her, but you called me back". He left out a shaky sight as we all remained silent "she saved my life...I-I thought she was gunna die...I didn't get a chance to thank her" Mikey started to cry, and he never cries. "Mikey" Donnie knelt beside him "it's okay, she's alive" Donnie hugged him as he cried harder into Donnie's chest.

"Mikey why didn' you tell us before?" Raph asked calmly and worried. "I...I thought she was going to die, so I figured I should keep it to myself" I looked at Raph then back at Donnie and Mikey. "She may be workin' with the Shredder but, she is alive. That's what matters now Mikey"

"I guess so"

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