Chapter Twenty

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I can't believe I did that! I hurt Leo! That stupid dream! "ahhh!" I yelled as I landed on one of the roofs. Tears were streaming as I hugged myself "why did I keep it in?" I mumbled. I didn't know how long I was sat there but I could feel myself slowly calming down. I didn't want to go back to the lair so I called April. It rang for a few seconds before April answered "Hey April" I said calmly "y/n? Are you okay? The guys called me asking if I'd seen you?" April said quickly "I'm fine. Just...can I come over?" I asked quietly "sure y/n" I smiled glad I could "thanks April, see you soon" I was about to hung up before April said "be careful" I heard her sigh before hanging up.

With a shaky breath I flew over to Aprils. When I got there, I landed on the fire escape and tapped the window a few times. The curtain pull open and saw April standing there worried. She opened the window and as I climbed in she hugged me tightly "um...nice to see you too?" I said, more like a question as April pulled away "I'm sorry, Donnie called. He told me what happened. And you've been out for hours I thought something had happened to you" my expression could tell it all. I felt so bad about it. "Y/n" April said "what happened?" she asked. With a sigh I finally explained.

"A few nights ago, I had this dream.Me and the guys had found out what Shredder was plannin' and Shredder had managed to get the Turtles, poisoned them. Shredder said if I returned to him he would let them live. I didn't. I fought him and grabbed the antidote so I could svae them. But when I went to give it to them I was too late, they'd all died. When Donnie found the poison I promised myself I wouldn't let that happen. The thing is, sometimes my dreams come true. It's like they're visions" tears were falling again. "I can't lose them April. They're my friends. My family" I cried and then April hugged me which made me cry harder into her chest. "I can't lose them". April rubbed my back as I let the tears fall. "You're not going to lose them y/n. You said yourself, your dreams sometimes come true, that doesn't mean this will. You told me before you had a dream about you and Leo cuddling and that one came true" April said with a smile and I turned red. "C'mon, I'll make some tea"

Me and April had been sat talking for a while when I heard movement "so are you-" but I cut her off "shh. We've got company" I whispered pointing to the roof. "Stay here" I said sternly and silently went downstairs. When I came down, there were three Purple Dragons looking through everything "somethin' I can help you with boys?" I asked crossing my arms "Azael, long time no see" I only glared at them "what do you want?" I growled "Shredder wanted us to bring you this" I was thrown a mask. "Leonardo" I whispered "what has he done to them?!" I yelled grabbing my Katana and slammed one against the post, with the sword pressed against his neck "I ain't tellin' you nuntin''" he growled. I pressed my sword against his neck harder "I'll asked you again. What has he done to them?" I growled as he was shook in fear "he-he told us to give you that" he whimpered pointing to the mask. I moved back angry but that didn't stop me from beating them up and throwing them out the shop.

I put my Katatna back and walked back up to April looking down at the mask. "He's got them" I mumbled "he's got the Turtles". I looked back at April and held up Leo's mask. She gasped "no" I could feel my anger building back up. "I knew it" I growled quietly. "I'm goin' after him. If Shredder wants me and he's gonna get me" I said and headed to the window "y/n, wait. For all you know it could be a trap" April said but I wasn't backing down "guess I'll have to find out" and before April could stop me, I flew over to the Shredder. With anger in my eyes.

The Lost One: Leonardo X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now