Chapter Twenty-Two

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It's been a few weeks since we defeated Shredder. And to me life is so much better. No stress, no death and drama. Correction we still have drama here at the lair. When April and Casey found out I was okay and back at the lair, they came straight to the lair. I got a death hug from April and I'm pretty sure she broke a rib, Casey hugged me too but no as tight as April. Safe to say, I'm happy to be home with my Family.

Training with Leo has been fun, though he goes easy on me. I can see he's still worried because of my healed injuries. "C'mon Leo, I'm a ninja not a rabbit" I smirked standing with my Katanas ready "I know y/n but it's just - " Leo started but I cut him off  "yes I know, you're worried. But honestly I'm fine" I sheathed my Katanas and walked up to him. I placed my hands on his arms massaging them gently "I promise" I gave him a quick kiss "but you need to focus" I whispered and saw him shudder. And I quickly flipped him cover, before landing on him pointing my Katana at him "we're you the one that was helpin' me train?" I asked with a smirk. "Oh ha ha" he laughed sarcastically. I just chuckled as I helped him up. 

Suddenly we heard a very loud crash "augh!" we heard I looked at Leo then we both ran to the crash. Battle Shell had fell "Donnie!" I called, he was stuck under the truck "ah crud. Leo, I'll lift the Battle Shell and you grab Donnie" I ordered. "But-" he started "yes I know, just be ready" Letting out a steady sigh, I gripped the Battle Shell and used all my strength to lift it "hnngh" I groaned as my hands were shaking "Leo, grab Donnie" I grunted "Donnie". My hands were shaking badly "y/n, you're gonna have to lift higher, I can't reach him". Pushing more strength I lifted it higher "I got him!" I heard Leo call. "Ahg" dropping the Battle Shell, panting. "Damn, that was..." I couldn't really speak as I was taking deep breaths. Walking over to Leo and Donnie, I saw Donnie holding his ribs "you okay Don?" I asked kneeling by him "yeh, just bruised. That was amazin' what you did back there" he said "hurt like a bitch though. You need to lose some pounds on that damn thing" I smirked as the two chuckled "y/n that was amazin'!" Mikey said walking up to us "let's agree to disagree yeh?" I said and Mikey looked very confused, with a chuckle I explained. "I disagree because my arms are sore but I do agree that it was amazin'" I said smiling at him as he understood it now. "I didn't even know I was that strong, to be honest. I just, I knew I was strong but to lift up that" 

Raph came over looking confused "what's all this about?" he asked, obviously he was weight lifting. "Y/n just lifted up the Battle Shell, because the jack holdin' it up broke, so Donnie was stuck under it" Mikey said "seriously?" Mikey nodded but I was holding my arm "no I'm doin' it again, my arms hurt, because unlike you Raphael, I have muscles" y/n said with a smirk as the others laughed only to get a glare from Raph "oh ha ha" he said crossing his arms "hey, y'know ya love me" I said smiling "too shay kid" he said with a fist-bump. I looked at Leo and he just raised an eyebrow "right, I'm gonna have a shower, it'll help my sore muscles" I kissed Leo's cheeks before heading off "hey Leo, why don' you join 'er?" I heard Raph asked making me chuckle as I shook my head. I flew up and turned around "sorry to burst ya bubble Raph, he already has" Leo's cheeks were red as he gave me a playful glare.


While y/n was in shower, I was training. I can't believe y/n lifted up the Battle Shell. She was shaky after it though. And I can't believe she told Raph I was in the shower her. Y/n was laughing while I was an embarrassed mess. Raph wouldn't shut up about it. Ugh, she always finds a way to make me blush. "Leo?" I heard y/n call. Is she still in the shower? "Comin'!" I called jumping up to the shower "hey, what's up?" I asked as y/n kept hold of the towel around her, I made sure to keep my eyes on her face "I got grease on my wings can you wash them for me, please?" I was nervous, because the last time I saw y/n in the shower was accidental. "Leo" y/n flicked my fore-head "ow! Hey" I groaned as y/n chuckled "you're the one that's meant to be focused" she smirked.

Still nervous I followed y/n. I took off my swords, straps and my mask, before turning to y/n. She was facing the other way, so her wings were facing me. "The body wash is on the side" y/n said pointing to it. Grabbing it, I put some a bit on my hands before running it through them. I saw her jolt slightly. "Did I hurt you?" I asked pulling my hands back "n-no, I'm not used to have people running their hands through them. They're just sensitive". I gave a small nod - though she couldn't see it, I carefully done it again and saw her jolt again. "Hnnm" she mumbled "you okay?" I asked leaning to the side slightly seeing her nod as she bit her lip. I went back and rubbed the rest of the body wash to the wings "mmhn" was that a moan?. I didn't want to cause anymore trouble, so I took the shower head and rinsed them off. "Hmmn...mmmnh...hnnnn" what am I doing to her?. "T-there you go. All done". Moving back I saw y/n with her arms against the wall and looking down, shaky a bit "y/n? Are you okay?" she only nodded "y-yeh, I'm pass me a  towel please?" she asked as she turned the shower off. Her voice was shaky and sounded nervous. Handing her the towel, she wrapped herself and fled out "thanks Leo" she mumbled as she walked past me. With a sigh I dried up and strapped my swords back on and tied my mask back on.

Walking out the shower I kept thinking about what happened. Why did y/n just turn nervous, she's never really nervous about anything.  "Leo!" I heard someone yell "whoa, what's up Mikey?" I asked as he knocked me from my thoughts "you okay? You seem really off" Mikey said looking at me concerned "no, I'm fine. So what did you want me for?" I asked changing the subject "oh yeh, Donnie wanted to ask if you've seen his Laptop. He can't find it". I only shrugged shaking my head "no sorry, last time I saw it was on his table" Mikey nodded before running off "okay, thanks Leo". Chuckling I was about to jump down and do train, but then y/n came to mind. Should I check on her? Is she even dressed. Before I knew it I was outside her bedroom.

Knocking her door a few times she called "just a second...Okay come in" walking in, y/n was sat on her bed looking nervous. What has made her so nervous? "L-Leo" closing the door I walked up to her and sat beside her "y/n, what's the matter?" she didn't answer just looked down. "Y/n-" but she cut me off "when you touched my wings, it just set this...feelin' through me. Like a volt of...somethin'. It felt strange, but I like it. I couldn't hold back my just...felt good. I've never felt it before and it freaked me out. I was embarrassed I moaned. I has holding back to slam you against the wall and kiss touch you. I had to get outta there before I did...somethin'". I was frozen. "I...Uh..." what the heck to I say? "Leo, you don't have to say anythin'. It's as awkward for me as it is for me". Y/n turned away "I'm scared, that if I kiss you...I..." I could y/n was getting upset. "Y/n, look at me". Slowly she looked up with tears in her eyes "I don't have to be scared. I trust you. And if didn't kiss me I'd turn into a mad man, well mad Turtle" I said making y/n giggle. "Maybe things will happen, maybe in a month or a year, who knows. But no matter what, I will always love you" y/n gave a small smile "and I will always love you" giving her a smile, I carefully leaned forward and kissed her ever so gently. Her arms wrapped around my neck, her hands playing with my mask tails and I turned her so my hands held her hips. When she pulled back she licked up the trail of saliva like she did when we first kissed "damn" I said, making y/n giggle. "I love you" I whispered "I love you too" she whispered

"Forever?" she asked with a smile "forever" 


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