Chapter Nine

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Everyone was shocked at what Raphael had done. "Y/n? Y/n, can you hear me?" Donnie asked with a worried look as he knelt beside her. Mikey was sat beside her too. They watched as y/n looked around fazed and blood on her face.

"What the Shell?" Leo yelled at his brother "you nearly killed her!" safe to say Leo to happy "I...I..." Raph didn't know what to say " do you do it because you hate her? Don't trust her?" Leo asked trying to calm down, but it wasn't working to well "" Raphael was shaking. He looked at y/n and saw the damage he caused. "Mikey grab the first aid kit" Donnie ordered "stay with me y/n" had he killed her? "Raphael" Master Splinter said calmly walking up to him "Sensei...I..." but he had no words. He looked at Splinter, and he was on the verge of tears "Raph..." he heard y/n mumbled and looked back at y/n. "I...I gotta get some air" and before anyone could stop him he ran out the lair.

Master Splinter sighed as he and Leonardo turned their attention to y/n. "Let's move her to the sofa. Leo can you get me an a towel and clean water?" Leo nodded and ran off to get them. Donnie lay y/n down on the sofa as Mikey and Leo returned "here you go Donnie" they handed them both "thanks". Donatello dipped the towel in the water and wiped away the blood from y/n's lips "is she gonna be okay Donnie?" Mikey asked nervously "yeh she will Mikey, remember she said her wounds heal in 24 hours. But she will be in some pain before then. Her jaw is broken, but with a few stitches and bandages it'll be fine" Donnie answered looking at his brother reassuring him" he finished up cleaning up and wrapped her wounds "there, she'll wake up soon but lets just leave her be for now" Donnie stood up and had noticed Leo hadn't said a word since Raph ran out the lair. "We have to find Raphael" Leo said calmly with crossed arms looking up from y/n to his brothers. His brothers sighed not wanting to face an angry Raphael. "We should leave him to cool off. We'll look for him in a few hours" Leo added and they went their separate ways.


A few hours passed and I had come back to the lair. My mind had been racing. I built up so much hate for her that I nearly killed. I looked around the lair and didn't see anyone. Probably doing there own thing. Then I saw y/n on the sofa. With a sigh I walked over to her. She had a bad bruise forming on her cheek, and her jaw was stitched up. I sat on the chair in front of her. What was I going to say, a simple 'sorry' was really going to cover it. He let out another heavy sigh "keep sighin' any heavier and you'll loose your breath" my head snapped up when y/n spoke "y/n, I-" I'm good with emotional stuff so that made things worse "I wanted to say sorry. I know that's nearly gunna over it, but I honestly didn' mean for this to happen. I've always had trust issues with new people. And because you worked for the Shredder, I really didn' like you. Hated you actually" I said looking down, only to hear y/n chuckle "Raph, I understand. I would be the same. If someone you've just allowed into your home had been tryin' to kill you for a while, I wouldn't trust them either" I felt y/n put a hand on my should making me look up at her as she sat up. "I can see you're not good with emotions" y/n said making me chuckle "but I also forgive you. Friends?" y/n put her hand out in a fist "sure, friends" I gave her a smile as I fist bumped her "is that I smile I see?" y/n said smirking "hey I do have a sense of humour y'know" I added with a frown "hehe".


Time passed and Raph was sat on the sofa talking to y/n. "Y'know, you're an alright Turtle Raph" y/n said with a smile "just alright?" Raph asked with a smirk "okay, okay maybe a little bit less" Raph's smirk vanished "hey!" y/n only laughed. "Y/n, why have ya forgiven me so quickly?" Raph asked with seriousness "well, like I said before, I would've been the same. I did get as angry as you one time" Raph looked at y/n confused "you, angry? I really can't imagine that" y/n only shrugged. "Everyone get's angry Raph. One time, I got that mad I threw Hun across the room. Broke his arm" y/n said with a smirk "never like that prick anyways" Raph chuckled shaking his head slightly "I agree with you with you there" he said giving y/n a fist bump. "Raph?" Raph and y/n looked over the sofa to see Leo standing there with crossed arms, and he did look mad. "Leo, before you go Ape-shit on him, it's okay. We've talked, we're good" y/n said with smiling as she stood by Leo."Raph was angry and he told me why" Leo didn't say a word. "Leo" y/n said softly, putting a hand on his arm, making Leo him blush slight but he still looked at her "it's okay, don't be mad at him". Leo sighed and lowered his hands to his side. "We good?" Raph asked standing up "yeh" Leo smiled giving his brother a fist up. "Aww no hug?" y/n asked with a smirk "okay, now ya pushin' it" Raph said joking making the three laugh. 

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