Chapter Four

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I was fighting against Karai, we had the same weapons, well kinda I had my wings too. Karai charged at me but I flew up dodging her attacks. I saw she wasn't too happy about that. Coming down fast I kicked her in the chest sending her flying back "ugh". Setting down she threw ninja stars at me, but I turned my wings to metal and covered my body to block them. I watched as Karai was getting annoyed about this. She charged again slicing her sword down catching me off guard "whoa" I jumped out the way of her blow and sent one back. She blocked it and kick my knee "ahh". I held my knee looking down pushing away the pain. Looking up I could see Karai smirking. She placed her blade on the top of bed "yield?" I only chuckled shoot up and landing on her hard, putting a knee on her chest pushing her down. My wings her metal and my sword was at her throat "yield?" I said in a mocking tone "enough!" Shredder called. I back up off her and turned my wings back to normal. "Well done" I smirk at Karai as I could see she wasn't too happy about me winning.

I went to my room and had a shower to calm down my sore muscles. Having a shower with 8 foot long wings is very difficult. Once I finished, I dried off and got changed, when I heard a knock at my door "come in". I looked up from the bed and a Foot Ninja standing at my door "Master Shredder wishes to see you" giving a nod he left. "What does he want now?"

I came to Shredder's 'Throne Room' and stood in front of him "you wanted to see me?" I had no respect for him whatsoever. He may have raised me but for a while now he's been treating me like dirt. "Yes". I heard the doors open and I watched Hun walk in. "Oh great" I mumbled. "Today is your final tests with Stockman. You know what to do" I stood up and Hun led me out to the lab "I'm surprised you've lasted this long. You're just his Lab Rat" Hun said with a smirk "and you're just his pet" I growled at him "you better keep that mouth of yours shut" he warned. I could only smirk "and if I don't?" I asked, I wasn't scared of him. Hun grabbed my arm making me stop "I'll break it" he warned me. Yanking my arm from his grip "give it your best shot. I dare you" I growled back glaring at him, but he didn't move "I know you won't because you know I'm stronger than you and could send you six foot under battered and bruised. Bones broken, skull crushed. You know I can kill you" I warned him and I saw the fear in his eyes. "Push me any more, and I will" I growled walking away.

"Ah Miss Azael, glad you could join us" Stockman said. "Whatever". I kept my glare at Hun before turning away "let's just get this over with". I followed Stockman with Hun behind me. We walked into the Lab and I lay down on the table. My legs, arms and my wings were strapped down. I didn't see the point because they knew I could break out of them.

"Now this test is going to be a bit different from the rest" Stockman said and I felt something being placed on my head "Stockman, what is that?" I asked "nothing you should worry about" okay now I'm worried. I turned my head slightly and saw the smug look on Hun's face. Oh this can't be good. My plan has failed.

"We start in...3...2...1" suddenly pain shot through my body "AHHHH!" I screamed. I could the electricity going throughout my body "AHHHHH!" the pain was getting worse. I balled my hands into tight fists and used all my strength to break from the straps "AHHRG!!" I took the helmet off and fought of anyone in my way. My body was weak though. "Come 'ere you!" Hun yelled and ran at me. I tried as best as I could to fight him off, but unfortunately he caught my ribs and safe to say they're broken "argh". With all my strength I shot up and broke through the glass roof.

"Ahh!" I looked at my wings to see that there were glass shards in them "can't I just go one day without pain" I groaned landing on the roof. I will escape them. I will leave my old life behind.

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