Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up earlier than my brothers to get some early training, a daily routine of mine. When I came out my room I saw y/n training with my spare Katanas. She had some amazing moves. Y/n has been living with us for a few months now and the relationship with us has changed to friendship than seeing each other as enemies - even Raph. It's strange. Since our friendship, my feelings towards into something else. It's hard to explain. It's hard for me to even understand.

I sat down on the edge of the second floor of our lair, and watched her train in silence. I could see the concentration in her swings. Her moves were swift and strong, but strong. The way she controls the movement of her wings, it was fascinating. Every time she moved her h/c hair flowed around with her, making her look memorising. When we first encountered y/n, it wasn't really the greatest of meetings, but I couldn't get her out my mind. Her e/c eyes, her voice, her beauty, it felt like I was drawn to her. She distracted me from everything. I barely managed to dodge a hit from one of the Solider as I was thinking about her. My brothers asked me what was wrong as I'm always focused...Yeh on y/n

As I continued to watch y/n, she put the Katanas down and flew up slowly and started to train in the air. Her eyes were closed. It was amazing how she did this. "Like what you see Leonardo?" y/n said making me jump up "I...uh...yes...I mean no...uh yes?" did I just stutter? Oh man. Y/n came down to my level and hovered in front of me "is the mighty Leonardo stutterin'?" y/n gave me a smirk but I could only chuckle. "So Leo, why are you up so early?"" y/n asked landing next to me "I'm always up early. Early trainin' without my brothers. What about you? Why are you up so early?" y/n only shrugged "couldn't sleep. Every time I close my eyes flashes of pain and fear just hits me" y/n looked down and away from me "I was so used to it when I was with Shredder, but now I'm free...I'm just so scare that he'll find me" placing a hand on y/n's shoulder, made her look up me "I will never let him hurt you. I'll be here to protect you" I said with a smile "thanks Leo" and then she hugged. I was shocked at first but hugged her back "I'm really glad we're friends" y/n said as she moved back "me too" I said with a smile

"C'mon let's get some breakfast" I suggested gesturing down "sure, Race ya" y/n said before flying away "hey!" I called jumping down ran after her to our make shirt 'kitchen'. "I win" y/n said handing me a cup of tea and a piece of toast. "Hardly a fair race. You've got wings, plus you had a head start" I said drinking some tea. "Oh is the mighty Leonardo upset that he lost?" y/n smirked as she finished her toast "no, I'm just sayin' it's hardly fair" I said, y/n just chuckled "you're just a sore loser" I put my tea down and turned to her "oh yeh?" I gave her a smirk "uh...what are you doin'?" before she could move I started to tickle her sides. "" I was laughing just as hard as has she was. Suddenly we lost out footing and fell down, with me on top of her. I thought nothing of it and continued to tickle her " win" y/n said between laughs. I stopped tickling her, but our laughter didn't stop "you are very ticklish" I said calmly. Our laughter slowed down and I couldn't help but look at her e/c eyes "wow" I whispered "wow, what?" y/n asked "your eyes...they're beautiful" y/n's cheeks turned pink as she turned her head to look away.

Where this amount of confidence came from I don't know.

I softly held y/n's chin and tilted her so she was looking back at me and looked at her lush pink lips. My eyes looking back up to hers, back to her lips then I look back up. I could feel myself slowly leaning down. I watched as y/n's eyes lashed back and fore from my lips and then close. When I closed mine I felt her warm lips against mine. They were so soft and tasted of Cherries. I felt her arms wrap around my neck as I held her hips pulling her closer. I didn't want it to end, but the need for air was calling. I pulled away carefully and opened my eyes to see y/n lick the thin strand of saliva that connected to our lips "ooh damn" I said making y//n chuckle. We stayed silent until I saw y/n looking very worried. "hey, what's up?" I asked quietly and very concerned.

Y/n sat up as I moved back sat down myself "y/n?". Y/n's wings sagged down slightly. Was she upset? Did I go to far by kissing her? Y/n let out a shaky sigh not looking at me. "I...for the years I was with Shredder, he trained me to kill. And when I was first sent out with The Foot to patrol the City to find you, my mission was to make you find you and learn your fightin' skills so sorry had a better chance to defeat you. But as we met, fought, over the months I saw past Shredder's hate for you and realised that you were just four brothers protect the City and everyone from him" I could see the tears slowly falling down her cheeks as I remained silent. "When we first met, I couldn't get you gotta my mind, so that's why had always shown hate to you, but now..." y/n trailed off still looking away. "When Shredder went to strike Mikey, I saw the look of fear in his and your eyes. I couldn't let Shredder kill him. That's why I took the blow. Sure it hurt but my body heals fast, though the mind doesn't take 24 hours to heel". 

I took her shaky hands into my, hopefully to calm her down. "My life was ruined, but since I've been here, with you. It's changed so much" Y/n let out another shaky breath "I...I love you Leo. I've been tryin' to tell you before, but I didn't know if you would feel the same becasue of..." I gently held her chin and pushed her head up so she was facing me "I love you too y/n. I know you fear about the past, but if you push past the darkness you'll soon find the light you've been tryin' to find" I wiped away y/n's tears and give her another kiss.

"Y'know I'd never imagined you fallin' for a bad girl" y/n said with a smirk "true, but this bad girl as become good" I said smiling "I'm still a bad ass fighter, and could kick your Shell" y/n said proudly as she stood up and helped me up "oh really" I asked with a smirk "yep, and you know it" I only chuckled "well, even if you did, I can still find another way to win" y/n's smile faded when I said this "uh oh" she mumbled backing away before running off "come 'ere you!" I called laughing running after her "nope" she called as she flew up "now, that's no fair" I said crossing my arms, only for y/n to stick her tongue out "you're childish, you know that?" y/n just stuck her tongue out at me again making me chuckle. "You really are somethin' y/n"

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