Chapter Sixteen

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I was still in the air laughing as Leo tried to get me down "y/n, come back down. I promise I won't tickle you" Leo said but I only raised an eyebrow "don't trust him y/n, he's only playin' with you" I turned around to see the others standing on the second floor of their lair "I've been thinkin' the same think" I answered "really y/n? Leo asked jumping up to join his brothers. "What? I'm just bein' honest" I said with a shrug "and you've always told me to be honest" I gave Leo a smirk as I crossed my arms. He only gave me a 'really' look. "So's happenin' between you two?" Raph asked pointing at me and Leo. That I didn't know. We're we together? "Since they were kissin' before, I'd say they're together" Mikey said with a smirk. My cheeks instantly went red. He saw us kissing? "yeh...uh...we are" I said landing beside Donnie. "Well, when you two go to bed, make sure to keep the noise down" Raph said as mine and Leo's cheeks were very red. Making Mikey and Donnie laugh. "Raph" I growled, he only laughed. Hmm. "Maybe you should find some ear-plugs or headphones because I don' think Leo isn't the silent but deadly type in bed" I said making all four turn red "oh c'mon y/n you just made it worse" Leo whined. I just kissed his cheek "you're welcome" I said and jumped down. "You guy's comin' down to train or what?" I asked turning around to face them. They jumped down and we had some fun training.


Time went on and I decided to get changed as my clothes were a bit dirty and sweaty. Looking through the bag I picked out some of the clothes April gave me, when I noticed someone behind me "we've been together 6 hours and you're already plannin' on watchin' me get undressed?" I asked standing back up "you really do move fast Leo" I turned around with clothes in my hands and Leo a blushing mess. "Hey I'm only playin'" I said walking up to him "no, it's not that...well it is but I can't believe we're together" Leo said holding his hands on my hips "me neither, it's like a dream come true for me" I said. Now I'm a blushing mess. I looked down trying to hide it, but this is Leonardo. You can't hide anything from him. I felt him lift my chin up "I love you" he whispered "I love you too" I mumbled back.  Leo lent forward but I moved and kissed his cheek. "hey" he whined making me giggle "Now get out I'm gettin' dressed" I pushed him out the room "okay okay I'm goin'. But one more thing" he pulled me back and kissed me. I squealed in shocked back kissed him back. When I opened my eyes he was gone "damn ninjas".

After I got dressed, I walked out to see April and Casey "hey April! Casey!" I called before flying down to them "hey y/n!" April ran up to me and hugged me "haha, good to see you too" I laughed hugging her back. "I see the clothes are fitting well" the red-head said gesturing to them. "Yeh, it feels good to have new clothes" I said smiling. "Hey y/n" Casey said "look before I know I didn't trust you but the guys told me what happened" well then "yeh Raph was the same, so we good?" I asked putting a fist out "yeh we're good" Casey said giving me a fist bump. "So what brings you guys here anyways?" Donnie asked "actually I came here to talk to y/n" April said. "Huh? Why me?" then April gave a look "ooh" I said realising "oh and Casey wanted to know if you guys want to go out with him. He told about the Purple Dragons" April added "sure sounds like a plan to me" Leo said crossing his arms "yeh, I could really bash some heads" Raph said as I shake my head "Raph you always want to bash heads" I said "yeh but you bashed his last night" Mikey said laughing, as was me and Donnie "hey, I got that too y'know" Leo added looking at me "your fault. You were arguing" I said with a shrug. "Yeh I got pay back before didn't I?" Leo said with a smirk. "Just go, and be careful. All of you" I said, they may be skilled ninjas but I do worry about them "we will, don't worry" Leo gave me a quick kiss before leaving. I looked at April and she looked shocked "what?"

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