Chapter Twelve

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I had come out my room when I heard April and Casey. As I walked out I saw y/n and April."Hey April, what brings you here?" I asked and saw y/n look away from me. Did I do something wrong? Did I upset her?. "Me and Casey thought we'd pay a visit and we met y/n. And because y/n has been living with all guys I think some quality girl time would help" April said and they walked away, my guess to y/n's room. Why did y/n seem so upset? Had I done something to upset her? With a heavy sigh I jumped down and met the others "hey Casey" I called "hey Leo. So how did you come across with y/n bein' good 'n' all?" Casey asked "she said she escaped from Shredder and when we found her, she was really hurt. We brought her back here -" Donnie started as Mikey jumped in "and hey presto she's on our side!" Mikey called from the sofa "yeh, but how can you trust 'er? I mean you works, or worked, for the Shredder" as Casey said this I was getting a bit mad "Casey relax, y/n explained to us what happened to her when she was with the Shredder" Raph said and Casey looked at him obviously not sure about this. I looked at Raph and he knew what I was saying "C'mon, I'm gettin' bored in here. You comin' Casey?" Raph asked and got a smirk from Casey. I shook my head chuckling as the two left "and I thought one Raphal was enough" I said making Donnie chuckle too. 

"Leo, about before -" Donnie started but I cut him off "it's fine Donnie, honestly" I gave him a smile and he gave on back before going back to him work. I looked over at the sofa to see Mikey passed out. Making me chuckle. Master Splinter had been meditating for a while so I figured he wouldn't want to be bothered. "Shhh!! Don't let the whole freakin' world know!" I heard y/n call then April chuckle. Jumping up to them, I stood by the door.

"Does he know?" April asked. Who are they talking about? "April, how can I tell him? I've never been in love before, I've never had to do this before. How do you even know if you're in love?" y/n asked. She's in love? Could she be in love with me? "easy. You get nervous around him, he gives you butterflies all the time. Everytime he talks to you, you get nervous and your cheeks go red" that's who I feel around y/n. "But, how do I know if Leo feels the same?" me? Y/n is in love 

I heard them moving around so I quickly jumped down and started to train. I couldn't get that out my head. Y/n loves me? "hey Leo" y/n said knocking me from my thoughts "hey y/n" then I saw the sad look "hey what's up?" I put my Katanas away and walked up to her. "Nothin' just tired" y/n answered looking away. "Um...I'm headin' out with April to her place, y'know get out the lair for a while" now that scared me "be careful then" y/n gave a smile "we will, see ya Leo" y/n and April walked out the lair, but the worry was still getting to me. "She will be fine Leonardo" Splinter said making me jump "I know Sensei, I just...I worry about her all the time" I said with a sigh. "Why can't I get her out my head?" I asked and Splinter only chuckled "young Love is a powerful thing my son" he said and then walked away. "Young love?" I mumbled "ugh" I groaned before returning to my training.

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