Chapter Eleven

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I followed Master Splinter to his room and sat in front of him "Sensei, I...what did you want to talk me about?" I asked very nervous "I wanted to talk about you" I knew. "My life when I was with Shredder?" Splinter had his eyes closer as I looked at him "you're past with Shredder had darkened your heart, but I've noticed since you have been with us, I can see that darkness has faded away" Splinter said opening his eyes "yes Sensei. I've enjoyed bein' here with you" I said with a smile, I was about to say something else but Splinter jumped in before me "I have also noticed that you have grown close to Leonardo, and he has grown close to you" now this shocked me. "I...he's a real good friend Master. He's helped me over come the darkness I once had. And I know that me and Raphael didn't get along at first and after what happened, we've become closer too, he's like a big brother to me" I said calmly, still trying to calm my nerves. "But your feelings to Leonardo have grown stronger" this caught me off gaurd "I...uh..." what do I say? "into something more, no?" I sighed looking down at my hands. "Y/n, you should no hide these feelings for him. I can see you are fighting againts them" Splinter placed a paw on my shoulder, but I didn't look up.

"My past with Shredder stops me from tellin' him anythin'. We may be friends but I'm scared. Not that he may not feel the same, but what if somethin' happens between us? What if somethin' happens because of the Shredder? What if we face the Shredder again and everythin' turns upside down? I can't the bare the thought of everyone gettin' hurt? I want to tell him how i feel, but I..." tears were starting to fall. "Love is a powerful thing. It can bring happiness and saddness to everyone" Love? My head shot up when Splinter said this. Do I love Leo? "Sensei, what do I do?" I asked hoping he could help "that is a question you have to answer yourself. The answers lay inside you". With a sigh I stood up "thank you Sensei" I said before leaving.

Sitting on the sofa as I watched TV, I was trying to figure out what Master Splinter meant.  Does my past with Shredder stop me from answering my own questions? Does my life for Leonardo stop me? So many thoughts were screaming through my head. "Hey y/n!" Mikey yelled making jump "whoa, h-hey Mikey" I said as he jumped on the sofa next to me "so what'd you and Master Splinter talk about?" he asked "oh y'know, we just...talked" I said hoping he'd change the subject "oh c'mon tell me. Tell me...pleeeese" than I lost it. "Enought Mikey! We talked that's it!" I yelled standing up. The look of shock on Mikey's face didn't help how I was feeling. "Ugh" I groaned flying up and sat on one of the high beams. Tears started to form as I wrapped my wings around myself.


A few hours had pasted and I heard everyone talking. I heard them ask what happened?. While I was up here, I hadn't seen Leo at all. Maybe he's in his room or with Master Splinter meditating. That's when I heard the lair doors open. Moving my wing away slightly, I saw two people walk through. The women had bright red hair, and was wearing a crop top with baggy jeans. And the guy with her had blue hair, and was wearing a red top and blue joggers with a white strip on each side of them. "Hey guys" the girl called "hey April, I'm glad you came" Donnie said standing beside them. "Yeh, you sounded really worried on the phone, what's wrong?" 'April' asked. "Well, maybe we should introduce you to her first" April looked confused "y/n?" Donnie called. I moved my wings to see the three of them looking up at me "whoa" the guy said "our friends want to meet you" really? That's not it sounded like.

With another sigh, I jumped down landing in front of them "y/n, meet April and Casey" Donnie said gesteuring to them "guys, meet y/n" I only gave a nod of hello "wow, you really are amazing" April said with a smile "hey, don't I recognise you?" Casey asked. "Casey, it's Azael. Remember?" Casey's face turned "you work for the Shredder" okay this just went bad "no she used to, she's a good guy - uh girl" Mikey said as he jumped in. "So, you called April and Casey down to meet me?" I asked raising an eyebrow "no, well yes, but I figured you could talk to April. Y'know girl stuff" Donnie said I couldn't help but chuckle at how Donnie explained it. "It would be nice to talk to girl, well apart from Raph that is" I said with a smirk "hey!" he said behind the others.

Me and April went to my room, the boys had gladly given me. As we did I caught eyes with Leo "Hey April, what brings you here?" he asked as I looked away "me and Casey thought we'd pay a visit and we met y/n. And because y/n has been living with all guys I think some quality girl time would help" April said as we continued to my room. I looked back at Leo about to say something but he looked away and joined the others.

"So tell me about yaself" I said sitting on the floor as April sat on my bed "well, I have my own shop, they guys helped me clean it up after I lost my last job. They actually saved me from being attacked by the Mousers Dr Stockman had created a while back" she used to work for Stockman "y-you worked for Stockman?" I asked. How didn't I concognise her? "yeh only for a while". I looked down at my hands "are you okay?" she asked. I looked back up and gave a smile "y-yeh. It's just, I have a bad past with Stockman" I said. April must've seen I didn't want to talk about it as she changed the topic "sooo, how's life been living with the Turtles?" April asked with a smile "it's been, fun I guess. Me and Raph didn' get along too well at first but now we're good. Um...I try to help as much as I can. I help Donnie with the Battle Shell or any of his inventions. Me and Mikey are basically best friends. He always makes me laugh. Leo's a good friend too". April gave a smirk "what?" I asked confused "you're in love" she said smiling "what? I-" but she cut me off "don't denine it y/n. I've been in love before and I know that look on your face" oh geez "is it that obvious?" April gave a bigger smile as she nodded "so how's the lucky Turtle?. Donnie? Raph? Mikey? Or is it Leo?" when she said Leo I could feel my cheeks turn red "oh it's leo!" she yelled "shhh! Don' let the whole freakin' world know" I said covering her mouth.

"Does he know?" I only shook my head "April, how can I tell him? I've never been in love before, I've never had to do this before. How do you even know if you're in love?" I asked as April sat in front me "easy. You get nervous around him, he gives you butterflies all the time. Everytime he talks to you, you get nervous and your cheeks go red" I've been feeling all of these for a while. "But, how do I know if Leo feels the same?" April chuckled slightly "that's the thing, you can't tell. Though there are somethings people do to see, without even talking to them" I was seriously confused "what?"

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