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I was glad Emma had another class next period I didn't want to hear what she had to say about Huston's slick comment, what did he even mean by that?" I am pretty sure Emma wanted to dwel on what he said and make it into a big deal when it was nothing. As I got ready for ballet I decided to call Adelina I needed her advice 

 "I miss you !" Adelina cried the minute she answered the phone 

I smiled at the sound of Adelina's voice "I miss you too, how is college treating you so far" 

"I don't know who told me to major in chemisty I have so much work to do and it's only been two days!" Adelina complained 

Adelina is one smart girl she can handle anything that comes her way and I made sure to remind her of that. She asked me how I am liking school so far and I was honest with her about ballet and how much Rebecca annoyed me, I told her about how great Emma is and how nice Maddie is and how annoyingly naturally talented she is. 

"So Alvaro has been trying to talk to me" I said when I had the chance to bring him up

I sighed and looked into the mirror to make sure I looked as neat as possible for ballet " He texted me yesterday and I didn't answer and this morning he texted me again saying he wants to talk to me" I said applying hair spray on my hair 

"I can't stand him he broke your heart !" Adelina pratcally screamed 

"I know I know but.. I do.. miss him he is the first love of my life" I said sitting down at edge of my bed 

"Doesn't give him a free pass to break up with you with barely an explanation" Adelina said a bit more calmer 

"You are right but maybe he is trying to explain himself ? I don't know I need some type of closure" 

Adelina sighed over the phone "I get that I do, look maybe you should talk to him just to get closure don't let me try to sweet talk you into anything" 

I looked at the time in my phone, I have thirty minutes until ballet begins "Si, tiene usted razor" I say letting know Adelina she was right 

"Se que tengo razón" She laughed agreeing that she knew she was right 

"Well girl I gotta go to ballet" I sighed 

"Alright let me know what happens with Alvaro love ya !" 

"I will, love you too" I said before hanging up the phone, I checked myself in the mirror making sure I was intact before heading out 

When I got to the studio the girls were streching out on the floor including Maddie, I set my things to the side and joined her to stretch 

"I didn't see the ass kisser" Maddie said refering to Rebecca 

I laughed "Pretty sure she will walk in with Ms.Reign" Sadly I was right minutes later Rebecca came walking in with Ms.Reign once again talking and laughing with her, Maddie and I rolled our eyes at the sight

Rebecca sat her things down and I noticed she was walking my way "I never got to congratulate you on your solo yesterday" she said once she apporched me, her tone was very sarcastic and everything inside of me wanted to tell her to get away from me but instead I forced a smile on my face 

"There is no need, I did just as good as everybody else" I said streching out my arms 

Rebecca placed on hand on her hip and looked past me to face Maddie "I think you did way better than Maddie"A smirk grew on her face 

I was stunned at what she said I felt my mouth slightly open out of shock "Fuck you ass kisser" Maddie spat 

Rebecca giggled "Language Maddie you wouldn't want Ms.Reign to hear you now plus it's called making connections" 

I crossed my arms across my chest I couldn't let Rebecca talk about Maddie that way "The only person that I did better than was you" 

Rebecca's eyes slowly made her way to me and the smirk on her face fadded "In your dreams Valentina, you wish you had the talent I did" 

"Says the girl who couldn't pull off a principle solo like I did, ask your best friend Ms.Reign how I did she seemed impress"  I wasn't sure if Ms.Reign really liked my solo but from the way Ms.Reign responded to my solo I knew something stood out and Rebecca noticed as one of her eye brows lifted and her face turned into stone

"Watch yourself Valentina" she stated in a dark calm matter she rolled her eyes at me and walked away. Her lame threat didn't faze me one bit 

I turned to face Maddie who didn't looked fazed at all "I am sorry about that Maddie don't listen to her" 

"Oh trust me I'm not I know I have some catching up to do, but I know I am a good dancer and when I catch up she better watch her step"  I smiled at Maddie's confidence 

"The fact that you made it this far without training for a while shows what kind of a dancer you are" I said truthfully 

Maddie smiled at me "Thanks for having my back" 

"Anytime" I said looking back at Rebecca, it's on .. 

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