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I stared out the window as Houston drove, I noticed for once we were together when there was sunlight 

"How long are you and Maddie practicing for ?" Houston asked 

I shrugged my shoulders "I'm not too sure maybe like two hours" 

"Okay I'll wait for you" 

I shook my head "You don't have to" I didn't mind if he waited I actually preferred if he did, but I didn't want to be a burden on him

"I want to besides I want to see you dance" Houston smiled 

I returned the smile "You better not distract me" 

Houston put his hand on my thigh squeezing it lightly, I inhaled deeply from his touch "I'll try my best not to" 

"I will kick you out of the studio if I have to" I joked

 It took every ounce of me to not jump over towards Houston and start another make out session but if I did that we would probably get in a car accident. 

"So um Vally .." Houston said in a soft tone

"Yea?" I asked 

"I spoke to Rebecca she told me what ballet studio you are going to be at this weekend" Houston told me casually as if he saw nothing wrong with what he just said. 

I couldn't believe it, he went to Rebecca after he knew I would be upset if he did that and on top of that he disrespected my wishes of me not wanting him to know where I would be at, I was livid "Your kidding right ?" I asked as calmly as possible I didn't want to yell at him, but I was so close to doing so if he said anything that would trigger me to explode

"I just had to know okay? I had to know where you were going to be" 

I pushed Huston's hand off my thigh causing Houston to  glare at me, he was upset at the fact I didn't want him to touch me anymore "You don't have to know anything, that was probably an excuse to talk to Rebecca"

"What? Are you jealous of Rebecca or something?" Houston asked bluntly 

This is what was going to cause me to explode. I felt my cheeks get hot from the anger growing inside of me I could tell this conversation wasn't going to end well "Jealous of Rebecca ?! what is there to be Jealous of ?" 

Yes she is a pretty girl, yes she is a good dancer but I know I am better and of course she has been with Houston, the thought of this made me even more unbalanced than what he was making me feel.

"You must be you always bring her up are you insecure is that it ?" Houston spoke in the most unemotional way it was chilling, but at the same time he was embarrassing me. I didn't know how to respond with words so instead I responded with tears flowing down my eyes, what he said bothered me to my core.

"You are right Houston I am insecure but it has nothing to do with Rebecca you need to pull over" Even though we weren't close to the studio I was ready to walk there I couldn't stand to be in the same space as Houston 

Huston shook his head "You are honestly talking a lot of shit Valentina"  

I looked at Houston with disturbance written all over my face "I'm talking shit ?! Really ?! Pull the fucking car over I don't want to be near you !" I shouted 

Houston was not fazed by my reaction, he kept himself calm as if nothing were happening. He obviously didn't care about how I was feeling. Seconds later Houston pulled  into the driveway of the dance studio and I couldn't have been happier

 "Don't you ever talk to me again you are a heartless piece of shit" I said through my teeth and   immediately jumped out the car slamming the door shut and began walking to the building of the studio. As I walked away I heard Houston from behind me closing his door as well

"You don't mean that" Houston said in a defeated tone but I complete ignored him, before I could open the door to the building I felt Houston grab my arm and turn me around to face

 "Don't touch me !" I shouted 

"Look I'm sorry but you were being stubborn last night and I knew I could get an answer from Rebecca" Huston explained 

What Houston said was true, but he had no right to try to spy on me. He needed to respect my decisions on the fact that I didn't want to tell him, we have only known each other for a few days now but we are acting like we have know each other for months the way we were arguing. I am not someone who argues so this fight with Houston is draining and I want no part of it anymore. I was even more disgusted by the way he was talking to me, as if I was nothing to him but if I am being real I'm probably nothing to him.

"Stay away from me" I say wiping my eyes, opening the door and heading inside hoping Houston doesn't follow thankfully  he doesn't. I  do my best to but this stupid argument I had with Houston behind me as rush up the stairs to enter the studio, my mind needs to only stay on ballet right now. 

Maddie was doing pirouette's while when I entered the studio. She was doing them pretty well I have to say, much better than they were in class yesterday. When she made a beautiful landing she whipped her heads towards me and smiled but quickly turned into a frown and stood up straight.

"Everything okay?" She asked 

I place my bag down and took off my sweater "Yeah why ?" 

"I don't you look ..off" 

I sat down on the floor and began to put on my pointe shoes "Thanks" I tease 

Maddie smirked "Hey if something is wrong you can talk to me" 

I forced a smile on my face "I know" I admitted 

"Great now let's get to work, how were my turns, were they shaky?" Maddie asked with an uncertain look on her face 

I shook my head "No they were great actually"

Maddie slightly smiled and went to look at herself in the mirror then went back to practicing her pirouette's this time spinning a bit more faster to work on her control and she was pulling it off. While I watched I sat on the floor beginning my struts and although I was watching Maddie turns progress, my mind kept going back to the dumb argument with Houston. He's already showing what kind of a person he is and I am not found of it one bit, I am actually happy he has shown me that side of him it makes it easier for me to not be around him. 

The thought of not being around him makes my stomach turn especially after what happened in my dorm room. I loved the way he touched me and how our lips were in sync with each other. I wish Houston could have held me that way all the time, I wish he was always gentle with me I actually miss that moment with him and I know I will never get it back.  I would have actually loved to get to know him more, he has a sweet side to him like when he took me to the theater and played my favorite song on the piano, but I can't let that overlook how he really is not matter how much I wished he can be that boy from the theater. 

I did my best to suppress the thoughts and confusions of Houston while Maddie and I trained together. Since tomorrow we are going to be dancing with boys Maddie and I decided to practice pas de deux with each other, we took turns dancing as the male dancer so we can could have a chance to lift and spin each other, but it was a complete fail. We kept laughing as we messed up trying to be the male dancer, we couldn't pick each other up causing us to fall, it was hard to control our turns while holding each others hand. Having fun while dancing with Maddie made me forget all about the argument with Houston and I couldn't have be more thankful. 

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