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*****Valentina and Emma's room above !!!*****

"I'm glad you finally fit in some time for me this weekend" Houston said 

"Didn't have much of a choice stalker" I joked 

Houston lightly laughed shaking his head "If you must know I bumped into Caleb and Maddie at a coffee shop they told me they were meeting up with you and Emma so I tagged along" 

Although I heard what Houston said I was too focused on the tattoo that took up his entire hand that he was stirring the wheel with, Houston glanced over at me when I didn't respond to him 

"What?" he asked defensively 

"What is that about?" I asked 

"Care to explain what you are talking about ?" 

"The tattoo on your hand what is that about ?" I pointed out 

Houstons face hardened and clinched his teeth together "Don't mention the tattoo again" 

I was taken aback by his harsh tone, why was he so defensive at the fact that I asked about it "Is it personal?" I asked 

"Did you not hear me ? I said don't talk about?" He said a bit louder 

"How can I not it takes up your whole hand ?" I said matching his loud tone

Houston shook his head "I don't want to fight with you Valentina so drop it" 

I wanted to say more, but I bit my tongue I didn't want to fight I just hate that he wants to get to know me better yet he's hard to get to know "It's like walking on broken glass with you" I state 

"And how is that ?" Houston asked 

"I never know what to say to you without getting you mad" 

"I could say the same for you" He said back 

I sighed at annoyance "Maybe it's best if we don't talk the rest if the car ride" 

"That's not happening Valentina don't be stubborn" 

"I'm not I just don't want to fight" I said 

Houston took my hand into his and a flood of calmness warmed my body "We won't.. tell me things about yourself" 

"Like what ?" I'm an open book unlike him 


 I began to tell Houston little snippets of my life, such as how I was born in raised in Connecticut and how I was raised to be a tough girl. I also mentioned how my dad passed away from cancer when I was only four years old, I don't remember much of my dad but I do remember being such a daddy's little girl. I would never leave his side and he would get me everything I ever wanted and needed, I don't really remember me taking my father's death that hard because I didn't understand what death was. My mom always told me my dad was in heaven with God in a much better place than we are. I do remember my mom crying all the time when my dad passed but she quickly got herself together and did the best she did to raise me as a widow.

My fathers passing is also the reason I started dancing. My mom wanted to make sure my mind was focused on something other than my dads passing, she wanted me to have a passion for something and show that I am still a strong girl who can overcome anything. Then that's when  ballet came into my life. I told Houston about all the school I have been too including the boarding school for ballet that I attended for six  years, that's mainly where I learned all of my ballet technique. 

I told Houston that I haven't had many friends in my life because ballet has taken up mainly all of my time and I was okay with that. I even briefly talked about how I became good friends with Alvaro, I knew him since I was little since we lived on the same street, but we didn't become close until we went into high school. 

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