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I looked down at the plate that was filled with buger and fries. This plate has been siting in front of me for the past five minutes but Huston wasted no time smashing his face into his burger.

"Are you not hungry?" Huston asked with a mouth full of food in his mouth

"it's not that .." I trialed off still staring at the huge untouched burger

"Then what is it ?" Huston asked

I looked up at him and leaned my head against my hand "I am a dancer I can't eat stuff like this, I should be indulging in a salad"

Huston rolled his eyes "Are you kidding me? it's just one burger it's not gonna do you any harm"

I so badly wanted to take a bite I haven't had a burger in years "If my mother knew I was even looking at this burger she would have a fit" I laughed lightly at the thought of my mom overreacting 

"You are missing out" Huston purposly took a big bite of his burger to shove it in my face that he was enjoying his meal and I wasn't

I laughed and twirled the cold french fries on my plate, after having my dramatic breakdown in Huston's chest he convinced me that going out for a few would make me feel better. He drove to a small dinner not too far out of campus, I realized that this was the first time in a few days I have been off campus I never had the time to see what was around so I am happy that I went out to eat even if it was with Huston. 

"You can order something else" Huston suggested when he saw I wasn't eating the burger and fries

I shook my head "it's ok"

Huston wiped his hands "No really order something else we aren't leaving until I know you have had something" he said a bit more sternly

I rolled my eyes when the Huston I knew to be not only annoying but demanding person that he is was coming out "fine" I mumbled. He got our waiters attention to get me the menu

"I know I shouldn't ask but I need to" Huston said once the menu was in my hands

"What?" I asked

"Why were you crying?"  I knew he was eventually going to ask me this question but I was hoping he wasn't going to ask so soon

"Do you want me to cry again?" Huston narrowed his eyebrows from my question

"Of course not" Huston answered

"Then let's not talk about it" I said as bluntly as possible

Huston frowned at my dismissal "Fine, I saw you dance today and yesterday you are amazing" he said giving me a warm smile changing the subject

"How long were you watching ?" I asked looking at the menu to see what else I wanted but nothing seemed appleaing to the diet I need to maintian 

"No more than five minutes" Huston admitted throwing a french fry in his mouth 

"Okay just making sure you weren't stalking me" I joked 

Huston laughed looking away from me and shaking his head "Just take the compliment" 

"Thank you" I finally said 

"So tell me something Vallie" Huston began 

My eyes shot over at him from the cringey name he gave me "I said don't call me that" 

Huston ignored me "Tell me about yourself, what's your story?" 

I shrugged my shoulders " I have been a dancer since I was younger and have been training ever since then to become a principle dancer" 

Huston looked at me with a blank glare before shaking his head in disappoval "No" 

"No what?" 

"I don't choose to believe you are that simple" Huston harshly said 

Just when I thought Huston could be less annoying and rude he proved me wrong, I rolled my eyes "When are you taking me home?" 

"You want to leave already?" Huston asked

"Um yeah" I answered 

Huston leaned closer to me "Why?" 

"Are you serious? You just called me simple and yet you still think I want to be around you ?" 

Huston sighed while rolling his eyes and leaning back in his seat "I didn't mean it like that Valentina, gosh your sensitve" 

I have had enough ! I slammed my menu on the table "Take me home now" I demanded 

"I told you we aren't leaving here until you have eaten" Huston smirked 

"Fine if you won't take me home I'll glady take the bus" I stated beginning to get up from the booth but Huston reached over the table and grabbed my arm

Although he grabbed me pretty roughly I had gotten a small glimpse of how safe I felt in his arms but I quickly made sure to shake it out of my mind, I don't need Huston to have any type of affect on me "Don't go I'll take you home if that's really what you want" Huston said 

"Yes that's what I want" I snaped 

Huston lossened his grip on my arm but still held on to me "Let me just get the check" 

Huston called over the waiter once again asking for the check and a contanier to take food home. I looked over at his plate and he only had a few fries left why did he need a container to take home? When he was handed the container he took my plate and put my food inside of it 

"Just in case you chane your mind" Huston said handing me the container 

I took the container from Huston's hands and began to walk out the restaurant and towards his car "I wish we could have hung out longer, there's always tomorrow right?" Huston says as he drove out of the parking lot of the restaurant, I watched as he leaned back on his seat awhile keeping one hand on the wheel and the other resting on his lap.

I shook my head in disbelief how he assumes that we are just going to keep hanging out without him even asking "Huston this is the last time we are hanging out" 

Huston face turned stone cold glancing over me a few times before talking "Are you really still mad that I called you simple?" 

Even though I was still mad at his rude comment about me, that wasn't the reason I don't want to be around Huston. Alvaro and I started out as friends and he ended up hurting me now I'm not saying Huston will end up like Alvaro and I, but I rather not deal with Houston.  I was not going to be explain that to Huston "Look I appreciate you being nice and all but me and you can't be friends" I said

Huston didn't say anything he just stared at the road ahead gripping his hands tighter around the stiring wheel "Why Valentina?" He said through his teeth seeming if he was trying to keep himself calm 

"I need to focus on my future not friendships" 

Huston tilted his head "Yet you are friends with Emma and Maddie" 

Huston made a good point I knew my excuse wasn't good enough but that was the only thing I was able to think of in the moment "They are the only friends I will be making" 

Huston smirked "If you say so" 

The rest of the car ride back to my dorm was silent, I kept looking out the window even though there was nothing to see since it was pitch black outside. I made sure not look at Huston I didn't want to have any edgers to keep engaging with him when I knew this would be the last time I will be seeing him.

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