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"Stop the music !" Ms. Reign shouted as she stood up from her seat, she was furious her tone and face showed it all 

Lance and I quickly stopped dancing in the middle of our performance and faced Ms.Reign. Our performance was terrible. 

Actually my performance was terrible.

 My turns weren't sharp and they weren't clean, I kept wobbling all over the place, I almost fell on the parts when it was time for the lifts. I was dancing as if I had no ballet training in my life, I was embarrassed I have never danced like this in my life. I looked over at Maddie who was stunned by the way I danced as she should have been I wanted to look over at Houston to see his reaction, but I was afraid to look. I held in the tears as I waited for Ms. Reign to say something.

"Valentina step out the room !" Ms. Reign shouted again causing my cheeks to flush from being  embarrassed, I heard people gasp from Ms. Reigns words behind Lance and I. Lance seemed more confused than shocked. 

"Ms. Reign I-" I struggled to say 

"Right now!" She shouted cutting me off, to save myself from more embarrassment I did as I was told. Did I do that bad that she had to kick me out of the class ? Why would she do something like this ? This is all Houstons fault why did he have to come ?! The more I thought about how Houston fucked everything up the angrier I got. 

"What was that ?" I heard Ms.Reign ask sternly 

I turned to face her "I-I don't know" I stammered  

"You don't know ? Were you trying to mess up on purpose?" 

"No of course not -" I said quickly 

"Then what was that out there ?! Do you know what kind of person Mr. Martin is that you think it's okay to dance the way you did ?! Not only did you make a fool out of yourself but you are making me look like a fool too !" Ms.Reign continued to scowled me 

Her words stung  I couldn't help but let the tears fall "Ms. Reign I'm sorry" 

"I bragged to Mr. Martin about what a marvelous dancer you are, you are way above the level you are at now and such at a young age then you come out and do this ?!" 

Was Ms.Reign telling me the truth ? Did she really think I was a good that of a dancer? "You dance way better than that, you need to get it together Valentina and perform the way I know you can" Before I could respond she rolled her eyes at me and walked back in the dance studio 

I covered my eyes and began to cry even harder, she was right I made a fool out of myself and in front of a principle dancer ? I screwed this up big time and I don't know how to re cover form it. 

"Vally are you okay?" I heard a haunting voice say 

"Houston get the hell away from me" I said still crying 

"Talk to me what's wrong?" He asked bringing me in closer to his chest, but I shoved him away making him stumbled back a bit he was very caught off guard 

"You want to know what's wrong ? You ! you are what's wrong ! You fucking screwed me up ! you just had to show up didn't you !" I shouted my tears coming down harder 

"I just wanted to see you" Houston replied making sure he kept his distance. I couldn't believe what he just told me, he is so selfish I couldn't stand that  

"Are you kidding me ?! That's your excuse ?! Do you not understand that you distracted me and that's why I messed up my dance ?!" 

"Vally I'm sorry I didn't mean to distract you" Houston kept his voice low 

"Stop calling me Vally Houston ! This is not some fucking game ! This is my career that I am working on and you are messing that up, do you have nothing else better to do but come here and mess my shit up?! My dance teacher put in a good word about me to Mr. Martin and I just showed him that my dance teacher was wrong about me!"  I yelled 

"Look I can talk to Mr. Martin for you"

"That's not the point Houston! If you are really sorry stay away from me and I mean it this time"  I mean it, I wiped the tears away and did my best to pull myself together  before walking back in to the dance studio leaving Houston behind

"She would like to go again" Ms. Reign said the moment I walked back in 

I wasn't expecting a second chance to dance again but I would love the opportunity 

"That's fine with me" Mr. Martin said 

I looked back over at Lance who walked besides me so we could start our dance, I looked over to where Houston was seated before and he wasn't there thankfully. It's draining to want him near me one minute and the next want him gone, but today I needed him gone he obviously doesn't take my dancing seriously just like Alvaro doesn't. I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts once the music began and I made sure not to make any mistakes. 

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