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**** The dance above is the choreography that Valentina dances with her partner later on in the story*****

Us girls quickly changed into our leotards and wraps skirts then headed back into the studio. Before we even began any partner work we did bar stretches and floor routines to get our bodies ready for the real thing. Ms.Reign and Mr. Martin watched all of us closely studying our every movements and shouting out things we had to work on such as "Jump higher!" "Keep your thighs together !" When he gave us corrections he wasn't mean like Ms. Reign.

The boys were just as good as us, I saw some of the girls in my class doing the most to impress not only the boys but Mr.Martin as well and honestly I was trying to impress Mr.Martin too. I was dancing to the best of my ability and I could feel that I was doing good too. When Mr. Martin would watch me at times, when I danced he would nod slightly almost as if he was pleased by my dancing and that made me proud of myself. I would glance over at Rebecca who was doing amazing like usual but, today she was going all out and it annoyed the crap out of me.

"So class" Mr. Martin began to say once we had finished all of our warms ups "As you know we have these young ladies today so you guys can all learn how it is to dance in pairs" 

All of a sudden the door to entrance of the dance studio opens making a loud creaking sound cutting off Mr.Martins sentence making the class look over to see who entering class late and when I saw who walked in I was convinced I was seeing things and that I was going crazy. There was no possible way Houston was walking in, it just can't be I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things but I wasn't Houston was actually here.

Houston is about to give me in a lot of trouble he can not be here ! Why doesn't he listen to a thing I say?! I had to think of something quick to explain to Ms.Reign and Mr.Martin as to why this boy is here interrupting the class. I was already preparing myself to deal with the consequences from both Ms. Martin and Ms. Reign and how I already burned bridges with Mr. Martin, but I am bringing Rebecca down with me since she is the one who told Houston where we would be.

I watched as Houston quickly scanned the room and when his eyes met mine a smirk appeared in his face. Mr. Martin squinted his eyes at the sight of Houston but seconds later his eyes widen with joy "Houston King !" Mr. Martin shouted

Houston rolled his eyes away from me and walked into the studio towards Mr. Martin "Mr. Martin how are you ?" he said joyfully, I couldn't believe it they know each other?! Of course Houston knows him the sight of this puzzled me, Ms. Reign didn't seemed pleased either and mentally I put Ms.Reign on my side.

When Mr. Martin and Houston embraced each other with hugs I looked over at Maddie, she was just as confused as I was she mouth "What the fuck" to me and I just shrugged my shoulders

"I'm sorry to barge in like this but I was in the area and thought why not see what kind of work you have been up to haven't seen a ballet in a long time" Houston said with a smile on his face that I so badly want to smack it off  does he really want to see ballet ? Since when is he interested in ballet and how does Houston know a principle dancer ? So many questions wondered in my mind it was causing a headache.

"Of course please join" Mr. Martin gestured to an empty seat over to Ms.Reign. Huston smiled over to me once again making sure not to take his eyes off me as he walked over and sat down in the empty seat.

"As I was saying" Mr. Martin continued

 As he kept talking my eyes couldn't leave Houston,  he made me livid as he continued to smirk at me 

"With that being said partner up !" Mr. Martin said, I finally looked away from Houston and looked around me to see what was going on, I was so mad at Houston at the fact that he is here I didn't even pay attention to what Mr. Martin said

"Want to be partners ?" I look over and see a tall slim guy with shaggy brown hair he was a cute looking guy but nothing compared to Houston

"Yea sure" I smiled

"My name is Lance, yours ?" Lance asked


"Nice to meet you Valentina"

"You to" I said standing next to him

I looked back over at Houston who's slick smirk was gone and was staring at me with piercing eyes he was obviously mad about something.

Mr. Martin began to show us the choreography he wanted us to learn with our partners and I have to admit the steps weren't as hard as I thought it would be. The only thing was that I kept stumbling over simple turns and I couldn't get high enough on my pointe shoes, these were simple moves I were messing up on and it was frustrating

"Take a deep breath you got this" Lance whispered to me

I forced a smile on my face and began to try the choreography again with Lance. As I was dancing I kept looking over at Houston who made it obvious that he was staring me down and when I would look at him that's when I would mess up. We had learned the dance fully now it was up to Lance and I to prefect it, Mr.Martin wanted us to present the dance to the class.

I was nervous as hell, I wasn't dancing good and I knew why. Houston was distracting me and causing me to mess up, I kept messing up the dance and I wasn't in sync with Lance. I saw how amused Houston was by this and it pist me off. I so badly wanted to yell at him to get out but I knew I would make a fool out of myself. The dance over all was hard but it was something I was able to mange, I even caught Ms. Reign glaring at me she saw how terrible I was doing.

Lance and I rehearsed our duet for an hour and the whole time I messed up, Lance on the other hand was doing amazing he was patient with me and kept giving me encouraging words.

"Alright who wants to go first ?" Mr. Martin asked the class

Almost everybody's hand went up except for Lance and I, he seemed eager to go first but the way he glanced over at me he knew I didn't "I am not prepared" I whispered to Lance

Lance leaned in closer to me "You will be fine you just have to trust you know what you are doing"

Lance was right, but it was hard to focus when Houston was in the room. He hasn't taken his eyes off of me once I tired my best to ignore him, but I couldn't why did he have to come? Maddie and her partner ended up going first, they did really good they danced as if they have danced together their whole life. They danced so effortlessly and they were so in sync it was such a beautiful performance I even noticed that Maddie technique was starting to become a bit more cleaner, she catches up very quickly.

Three other duets went before Rebecca and her partner and they all did alright. I saw Rebecca messed up a few times, but she bounced right back up and did her best to cover her mistakes. The damage was already done though and it was noticeable. Next thing I knew it was Lance and I's turn I wasn't ready one bit. 

"You got this" Lance whispered to me before walking off to the center of the floor. It took every ounce of me to start walking towards him. I was afraid of making a fool out myself I have never felt so underprepared before a performance. I looked over to Ms.Reign who also seemed uneasy as I stepped to the center of floor, I knew she was curious about how this was going to turn out  knowing that she  saw all of my mistakes while practicing. 

"Que music" Mr. Martin said 

I looked over at Houston who was leaning over, resting his elbows on his lap as he watched me intensely. As soon as the music started I closed my eyes and imagined being somewhere.. anywhere but here.  

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