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"The room is amazing !" I say once I enter the room. The room is exactly how Emma and I imagined it would look like

"Its so nice right !" Emma says

I nod my head "Thank you guys so much for helping" I say to Maddie and Caleb

"Of course" Maddie beams

"Yeah it was fun" Caleb adds

"Where's Houston ?" Maddie asks when she doesn't see Houston attached to the side of my hip 

"He's actually waiting for me we are going to head out" I say

"Alright cool" Emma happily jumps onto her newly made bed

"We are going to Keep Emma some company for a while" Maddie says

I nodded my head saying goodbye, and walked back to Houston where I last left him. He leaned against the wall scrolling through his phone when he saw me he dug his phone into his pocket and grabbed me by the waist pulling me closer to him. 

"Are you ready ?"

I nodded my head "Mhm" I say not able to find words to speak I am so mesmerized by him even when he makes small moves such as grabbing my waist not wanting to keep an space in between us

Houston takes my hand "Lets go" We quickly get to the car and he began to drive

"So where are we going ?" I ask

"I drive you talk" He says referring to what I said before about us having to talk

"Oh you wanna talk about that ?" I say

Houston smirked "Yes Vally"

I sigh and close my eyes "It's about Rebecca" I open my eyes and look over at Houston's reaction and he's not pleased

"What about her" He says bluntly

"She said something yesterday and I want to just clear it up"

Houston sighed and rolled his eyes "Don't listen to a thing she fucking says"

My eyes widen at how defensive he was getting "Can I tell you what she told me?"

Houston stood silent "I don't want to hear it"

I couldn't believe him "Are you serious ?"

"Yes if what she said is going to make us fight I don't want to hear it" Houston glanced over at me

"If that's the case then I can't continue whatever this is" I say pointing between us

Houston shook his head "Is it that serious ? I already told her me and her don't have anything going on you should take my word for it Valentina" He says firmly

His stubbornness astounds me and the fact that he already knows what I was trying to tell him tells me a lot "Well not according to her"

"What ?" Houston asked

"She says that you are going to keep sleeping with her"

He lets out a sarcastic laugh "And you believe her ?"

The fact the he doesn't deny that he has slept with her in the past makes my stomach turn, but what should have I expected?

"I don't want to that's why I wanted to talk to you about it" I say

The fact that I cannot imagine anyone else with Houston tells me I have feelings for Houston that I don't want to admit. How can I have feelings for somebody that I have known for what feels like a few seconds? It's unrealistic and a receipt for disaster, but I can't help it.

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