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I quickly thanked Huston before jumping out of his car and heading back to my dorm room where Emma laid wrapped under her covers.  Her silver apple laptop sat on her lap as she typed away and her glasses were slightly slipping from the bridge of her nose. Emma looked over at me when I entered the room and sat up in her bed as she looked at me with concern written all over her face.

"Is everything ok?" Emma asked 

I took off my coat and hung it up in my closet "Yeah why ?" 

Emma removed her laptop from her lap placing it besides her "Maddie told me you had a breakdown after dance" 

I didn't want to think back to that scene not only because of the memory of Alvaro would come into mind, but that moment would remind me how I allowed myself to melt into Huston's arms to comfort me, I am not sure how to feel about that.

 I forced a smile on my face "I'm fine" 

"I'm here if you need anything at all Valentina" Emma reassured me

The next morning was the same routine I have been doing the past couple of days, waking up early and getting ready for my first few classes. English went by pretty fast since Maddie was there, then there was Math and last but not least Bio until I had Ballet later that day. As I walked to Bio class I knew I was going to see Huston, and I knew things were going to be weird between us since I basically said I didn't want to be friends with him. As I began to walk to my usual seat there Huston sat right next to my seat. 

I sighed in annoyance he doesn't give up does he. When he saw me walking closer to my seat he smiled at my presence. 

"Isn't your seat behind me ?" I questioned as I sat down and pulled out all my notebooks from my bag  

"I decided to change things up" He answered 

Although I was avoiding eye contact with him I knew he was smirking at his sarcasm "I can see that" I mumbled 

"I am picking you up from ballet today" Huston stated 

I narrowed my eyes at his comment. Huston's demand towards me caught me off guard as usual and I didn't like it one bit, I have just known him for a few days and I can already tell he is very controlling and probably isn't told "no" much. 

"No you aren't" I responded opening up my notebook and scanning through notes from the other day although I wasn't focused on them, it was just an excuse to not look at Huston 

"Yeah I am I want to show you something" Huston leaned in closer to me and I felt goosebumps grow on my arms. As much as I hated the fact that Huston's touch soothed me I had the urge to grab his arm to have the feeling again. that feeling that I have never experienced, that comfort feeling and it's odd to think that not even Alvaro the love of my life has never made me feel that before.  

I let out a breath "I already told you we aren't hanging out again" 

Huston was silent for a moment and inched closer to me causing me to flinch as if he laid a hand on me, this time I decided to look at Huston and of course he was smirking at me showing off his dimple on the left side of his cheek "You think you can stay away from me don't you Vally" 

I wanted to tell him not to call me that again, but I knew he would ignore me so I decided to bite my tongue and I nodded my head. Huston smirk slowly faded and his eyes went to look at my hands and within seconds he gently held on to my hand. I stared at our hands in union and once again that soothing feeling filled throughout my entire body I felt like I was on cloud 9. Why did he make me feel this way? Yeah I am attracted to him but he isn't my type I know for sure I don't have feelings for him. 

Huston looked into my eyes "You don't get it do you?" He asked 

I couldn't respond I was too overwhelmed by the way he was making me feel by just a simple touch. He held on to my hand a little tighter and moved our hands closer to him, my heart began to race I felt anxious I don't know what for, but this feeling.. the way he makes me feel is the most addicting feeling I have ever felt. Our eyes never left each other I couldn't find myself to look away from his deep grey blue eyes. 

"Well Vally" He inched closer to my ear  "The more you push me away the more I am going to come after you" He whispered in his deep tone sending shivers down my spine, I gasped at his words and tried my best to pull away from him but I couldn't. 

"Hey guys?" I heard Emma say I jumped back and let go of Huston's hand quickly and properly sat back in my seat. Huston on the other hand laughed lightly while casually seating back in his seat 

"Hey Emma" Huston said smiling up at her 

Emma looked between Huston and I holding in her laughter and that annoyed me so I rolled my eyes and went back to looking at my notes "Hey Huston ... Valentina" she said taking her seat next to me

Maddie and I talked for a few minutes before class started, but I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying. My mind kept going back to Huston and I, the way he held my hand the way he looked into my eyes making me feel almost mesmerized by him. I hated that he made me feel this way, but for some reason I craved for more. 

"I'll see you in a few hours Vally" Huston said to me once class was over, he grabbed his books placing it under his arms and walked out of class. The whole class I avoided his eye contact, but I could feel his eyes beaming at me. I wanted to call after him and tell him he can't just expect that I will hang out with him, but I couldn't find the words so instead I just watched him leave my sight. 

"What the hell did I miss ?!" Emma excitedly asked as she grabbed her things 

I shook my head "Nothing" 

"It sure didn't look like nothing" Emma teased 

"Trust me Emma it was nothing" At least that's what I wanted to believe, if I told Emma that he made me feel the way I did without even having feelings for him she would think I am crazy and I wouldn't blame her if she did because I feel crazy and I don't make sense in the slightest.

Emma rolled her eyes "At least tell me where he is taking you, he said he will see you in a few hours" 

I pulled my purse over my shoulders "I have no clue, besides I am not going with him anywhere" 

"but why?" Emma whined as we walked out the classroom together 

"Because I can't be friends with him and Alvaro would be mad if he knew I was hanging out with some random guy" I explained 

"Alvaro ? what does he have anything to do with this ?" Emma asked 

I sighed "As much as he hurt me, I need to work things out with him" 

Emma shook her head "Valentina you need to move on from him" I knew Emma was right but if I work things out with him I don't have to think about Huston, but instead of telling Emma that I stood silent 

"Look girl, we will for sure talk about this later but I have to head to class before I'm late, have a good time at dance ok?" She pulled me into a hug and walked off to her destination and I walked back to my dorm in deep thought.

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