33: A hero with a Thousand Faces

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"You have unlocked the might of the Triumbric stones," Vendel said as Jim stood in the forge, staring at his glowing amulet. "This proves you're ready to begin the next level of training. Mastering the powers of our rarest elements. Say the incantation."

"For the glory of Merlin," Jim said. "Daylight—"

"No, the other one," Vendel said.

"For the doom of Gunmar, Eclipse is mine to command."

The red and black armor he wore in the Darklands appeared on his body. "Marvelous," Vendel said. "The legend made real. Merlin's amulet is a relic of unfathomable power. It is said, when he forged it, he made it malleable so each Trollhunter may combat darkness, that even its creator could not foresee."

"So, new stones, new power. What else can it do?"


Blinky set a vase-shaped object on the ground. "Your periodic table is amusing," Vendel said as a light shined out of the object. "Uncovering but a few elements. But in truth, there are more than you can ever imagine."

Lots of different lights filled the room. "We have, in our possession," Vendel continued. "A few remaining stones that Trollhunters past have used to unlock their potential."

Aaarrrgghh stepped forward, holding a box. He opened it to reveal many different colored stones in many different shapes. "Stones that will grant swiftness, a glimpse into your enemy's mind, even the power to talk in daylight."

"I think I'm good with that one," Jim said, the armor disappearing.

"Shall we see how good you are with the rest?" Vendel handed him a small, orange stone. Jim put it inside his amulet, and it glowed yellow. The armor reappeared and he was now standing on a ledge, trying not to fall off. "This stone was used by Araknak the Agile," Vendel said. "There was no obstacle he could not transverse."

"Just make sure you keep your focus," Blinky said. Jim climbed up a wall. "What did you say, Blink?"

He slipped and fell to the ground. "Perhaps another?" Blinky asked, opening the box.


Jim stood in front of Aaarrrgghh, who held a rock almost the size of him. "The Aspectus stone," Vendel said. "Legends of old claim it granted Maddrux the Many the power to summon the strength of a thousand."

"Come on, super strength," Jim said. "I'm ready."

Aaarrrgghh set the rock on Jim, who struggled to keep it up. "Use your legs, Master Jim," Blinky told him.

"A little help?" he asked, running into the wall. Aaarrrgghh helped him up. "Perhaps our young trollhunter is not ready for the power of the gemstones," Vendel said. "We shall revisit this another day when he is less...distracted."

"Yeah, I think I just pulled my everything," Jim said.

He walked out of the forge in his normal armor and saw Toby and Claire waiting to greet him. "Hey, Jim," Claire smiled. "How was training?"

"You know," Jim said. "Stone, magic, troll."

"You wouldn't by any chance want to come to my parents' barbacoa?"

"Barbecue? Like, hot dogs? Sure."

"My mom throws this thing with the teachers union to drum up support for her re-election. It's such a drag. It's cool if you don't want to come. Not-Enrique will be gone. It'll just be me there. But—"

"I said I'd love to."

"You'll do it? Thank you so much! It starts at noon. I'll tell them you're coming. Don't be late!"

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