31: Homecoming

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"A battle to break your will!" Gunmar said. "If the Impure cannot break your armor, her death surely will. You shall be mine!"

"We don't have to fight, Nomura," Jim told her.

"You don't," She said, pulling out one of her swords. "I do. Sorry, I really was getting to like you."

She charged at him and his shield appeared in his hands. She blocked her swords. "Fight me, young Gynt!" she said. "Or else Gunmar will do us both in."

"My friends are here," he said. "We're going home."

"Home? Home is gone!"

She continued swinging her swords at him and his sword appeared in his hand. She knocked it away from him and he grabbed his blades. "They're in the dungeon," he said. "I saw them. We just have to get back there."

"Only one of us is leaving this arena."

She knocked him into the wall and his amulet started flickering. "His will," Gunmar said. "It's weakening."


"We're committing to this," Claire said.

"Yeah, I'm committed," Toby said.

"Toby, don't hold back."

"I'm not. On three."

They both counted to three and charged toward the orange bars, only to get shocked and knocked onto the ground. "I really thought we had it this time," Toby said.

"I don't think this door's gonna open."

Chompsky waved at him from the other side of the bars. "Kanjigar said we needed Chompsky to be our guide and more," Claire said. "You don't think..."

She lifted him up and lifted him through the gaps of the bars near the keyhole, stuffing him inside. The bars opened and Chompsky made his way out of the keyhole. "How would Kanjigar know that?" Toby asked.

"Who cares?" Claire asked. "Let's get Jim. Chompsky, go find Blinky and Aaarrrgghh."

Chompsky nodded and scurried through the Darklands. "Such a spunky little fella," Toby smiled.


Blinky and Aaarrrgghh hung from chains. "Dictatious," Blinky said. "I thought you were dead. I mourned you."

"Sentimental sap," he said. "Despite the plentitude of eyes, you remain blind to the truth. Gunmar is Trollkind's salvation."

"No, this isn't you, brother. This is the cursed blade of Gunmar talking."

"This is not the blade's work. I chose to follow Gunmar."

"I idolized you. Your books fill my library."

"And your words waste my time. Gunmar's restoration of Earth is finally upon us. Once you disclose the location of Killahead Bridge."

"Help you free Gunmar? You could torture me a thousand years on hot pokers, and I'd never tell."

Dictatious punched him in the nose.

"I'll never tell you!" Blinky yelled.

Dictatious punched him again.

"I didn't think you'd bring pillows to this fight."

He punched him a few more times.

"I thought I ordered meat sauce, not weak sauce!"

Dictatious punched him again. "How about now?"

"If I wanted to be tucked in, I would've called mother."

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