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The adults were talking up a storm, well more like my mom and Kacchans mom were while Masura just said one or two words every now and then. Me and Kacchan were silent. We'd look at each other and smiled and sometimes giggled. "Your laugh is so sweet." Kacchan whispered to where only I could hear. My face heated up and I heard Kacchan laugh. "You can't just say things like that so suddenly." I whispered. He shook his head and chuckled. "Why not?" He asked. I didn't say anything I just glanced at him then the table. "Aw does it fluster you?" He asked sweetly. I nodded my head. "Good. Your adorable when your flustered....then again your adorable anytime." He whispered. I blushed harder and he laughed again. He put one of his hands under the table and grabbed mine, he laced our fingers together and I smiled. Masura, Kacchan and I had finished our food while Mitsuki and my mom hadn't even touch theirs. "Mitsuki." Masura said. "Yes?" She asked. He looked at her plate then back up at her. "Didn't we come to eat?" He asked. She shook her head and smiled. "No. You came here to eat. I came to socialize and eat." She said. She took a bite of her food and glanced at Masura. I see who Kacchan takes after. I laughed at the thought and glanced at Kacchan. "Mom may I be excused?" I asked. "Sure honey. Just put your plate away." She said. "May I be excused to?" Kacchan asked. My mom nodded her head. We walked to the sink and put our dishes up. We walked up to my room and shut the door, Kacchan locked it. He sat down beside me and smiled. "Do you think your mom will tell mine?" I asked. I honestly didn't care if my mom knew I just want to be the one to tell her. "No she said she wouldn't." He said. "I mean I don't care if she knows I just want to be the one to tell her. I mean she knows I'm gay but I want to be the one to tell her about my first boyfriend." I said rambling a bit. He chuckled and laid back on the bed, I laid next to him. He rolled on his side so that he was facing me and I did the same. "How was the awkward conversation with your mom?" I asked with a giggle. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "It was as bad as I thought. She just.....gave me some good advice." He said. "That's very vague." I said. He laughed and put his arm around me and pulled me closer. "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about." He said. He kissed my forehead and I giggled. He rolled us over and straddled my hips. He leaned down and kissed me, I kissed back without hesitation. I put my hands on his hips and he slid his under my shirt. He licked my lip and I parted them, he slid his tongue in. Our tongues wrestled for dominance, him winning of course, and he slid his hand up and down my sides. I giggled and pulled back from the kiss. He looked at me with surprise and mischief in his eyes. He smirked and did it again, I tried to hold the giggle in but ended up failing. "Somebody ticklish?" He asked. I pressed my lips into a thin line and shook my head. He started to full on tickled me and I was a laughing mess under him. "Ka....Kacchan.....st-st-stop..." I said and laughed more. "Not until you say 'Katsuki Bakugou is the greatest person to ever walk this earth' then I might." He said. "Ka....Katsuki...B-Bakugou is....the greatest....person...to-to ever....w-wa-walk.....this earth." I said between laughs. He stopped and leaned down to my ear. "Aww thank you Izu." He whispered in my ear and then bit the bottom of it. A shiver of pleasure ran down my spine and I bit my lip. He smirked and kissed my jaw then my lips. He made his way down to my neck and kissed it. He started raised my shirt up, his fingers lightly touching my skin as he did so. I raised up a little so he could easily slide it off. Once he got my shirt off he looked me up and down his gaze lingering on my abs and chest. I smirked and looked up at him. "Do I look that good?" I asked. His eyes met mine. "You look....amazing." He said. I blushed and tried to cover my face, but he blocked my hands. He brought his face closer to mine, his hands moving across my chest down to my stomach and back again. I closed the little distance between us by smashing my lips on his. He gasped, from surprise, and I took the opportunity to explore his mouth. He tasted really good. I put my hands at the hem of his shirt and pulled back from the kiss. I rigged on his shirt and he got the hint and took it off. I reached up and moved my hands across his scarred chest and abs. He was really fit, all that training and exercise is really paying off. He still and the bandage on him, but it wasn't as big as before. I could see some bruises and some deep cuts peaking out of the bandage. "Kacchan......your beautiful." I whispered. He blushed and hid his face in my neck. "Damnit, you cant do that. It makes me feel all weird." He said. I giggled and put my hands back on his hips. I raised up, he was now in my lap, and brought my lips to his ear. "But it's true." I whispered and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me again.

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