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Warning mild homophobia ⚠️
"We should clean up a little before we go downstairs." He said. He stood up and walked to the bathroom. He came out a couple minutes later in pajama pants, but no shirt. "Um I don't have any clothes." I said shyly as I stood up. "Just go wash up, I'll find you something of mine to wear." He said. I nodded my head and went in the bathroom. After I was done I walked out and Kacchan handed me a shirt and a pair of pants. I went to back in the bathroom and changed. I was wearing his skull shirt that he usually wears and a pair of gray jogging pants. The clothes smelled like him. I smiled and walked back out, he was putting on a shirt. "Damn 'Zuku you really did a number on my back." He said and chuckled. "S-Sorry." I said and giggled a little. "But I did some pretty good work myself." He said and walked over to me. I blushed as soon as I realized what he meant. He laughed and grabbed my hand. "Let's go eat before she breaks my door." He said. We walked out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen. "About time you little shit." She said. "What are you running you mouth about old hag!" He yelled. "Sit your ass down and eat!" She said. He sat down next to his mom and I sat next to him, his dad was on the other side of his mom. "Where are you going on your trip?" She asked. "Um I'm not sure. My mom was so caught up in the moment I guess she forgot to tell me." I said with a nervous chuckle. "Yeah she called me squealing like a high school girl telling me about how you and her were going somewhere." She said and laughed. "My hotheaded son told me you wanted him to go to." She said. "Y-Yeah. Mom said if it was fine with you she didn't mind." I said. I don't think Almight wants people to know he's close with me and my family. I think he's afraid it'd put us in danger. "I don't see how you put up with this asshole." She said pointing to Kacchan. "I'm sitting right here." He growled. She laughed. "I'm sorry you didn't say a word for a whole minute it thought you left." She said and laughed harder. He growled and stood up he put his plate up and mine to. "Aw since your taking up the dishes her take mine." She said and handed him her plate before he could say anything, he grabbed his dads to. "We're leaving tomorrow morning at 10." He said. "Okay. Goodnight. Love ya." She said. "Yeah yeah love you to." He mumbled and dragged me back upstairs to his room. He shut the door, took his shirt off and walked over to the bed. I laid down and he laid down next to me with his head on my chest. "Goodnight Kats. I love you." I whispered. "Night 'Zuku. I love you to." He whispered. I kissed his head then wrapped my arms around him.
I woke up the next morning to the sound of Kacchans alarm. "Shut the hell up!" He yelled as he smashed the off button on the alarm. We both sat up and stretched. "Ugh. It's to damn early!" He yelled. I giggled and stood up. "Let's get dressed and we can sleep on the way there." I said. He groaned and stood up as well. We got dressed and walked out of his room. He walked over to his parents bedroom and knocked. "We're leaving." He said. "Bye love you." He said. "Love you to. Have fun." His mom said. We walked over to my house got my mom and walked to the car. "We got to go pick up T-Almight and then we'll got to the airport." My mom said. We drove in silence, Kacchan was asleep and I was starting to doze off.....until.. "I am here....and ready to go." Almight said loudly. Kacchan woke up and glared at him. "How the h-heck are you so....cheery this early in the morning?!" He asked. Kacchan doesn't cuss around my mom for some reason. "Ah haha I always need to be energetic because....bad guys never rest." He said. He kind of went to his weak form halfway through this sentence. Kacchan grumbled and laid his head on the window. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Kats...." I whispered. He glanced over at me and I opened my arms and put on a pouty face. He rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face and pulled me closer to him. He put my head on his chest and his head on top of mine. I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and went to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat and his breathing.
In what felt like a minute later my mom was waking us up. "Katsuki, Izuku, lets go we're at the airport." She said. I got up and rubbed my eyes then went out. Kacchan walked over to me, grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. "I'm sleeping on the plane." He mumbled. We went through the normal airport process and then went on the plane. The pilot started speaking. "We will be landing in America in approximately a day and a half, but we'll make your flight as fast and easy as possible. Thank you and have a great flight." He said. Kacchan sat by the window and I sat next to him. He raised up the armrest between me and him and pulled me closer. He leaned down and kissed me. Someone behind us made a disgusted sound. Kacchans head shot up and his hatred filled eyes looked around for the culprit. "Do you have a problem?" He asked looking around. A bald man who looked to be in his late 40s or early 50s spoke up. "Yes as a matter of fact I do. What you two are doing is disgusting. It's unnatural." The man said. Kacchan glared at him. "Oh yeah?! What the hell is so wrong about it?!" He yelled. "It's disturbing. God don't like queers and neither do I." The man said. Kacchan started letting miniature explosions off in his hands. "Well I got news for you I don't give a fuck what you like!" Kacchan yelled. I grabbed his hands to stop him from doing anything to hurt himself or anyone else. "Your just jealous that he has the kind of happiness you can't have." A woman with raven hair who looked to be around 20 stood up. "You've probably been struggling with your own sexuality your whole life and still to this day you haven't come to term with it. I bet you had three wife's who left you because you were incompetent in the bed." The lady said. The man shrunk and sat down in his seat with his face hidden. Everyone started laughing and the man shrunk farther in the seat.

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