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"Ugh! Just don't fold it." He said. I laughed and put the last bit of my clothes up. "Unlike some people I like my things done neatly." I said and glanced at him. "Well I like to things done fast and whatever way works." He said. I was going to argue with him, but there was a knock at the door. Kacchan walked over and opened it. "Oh it's you." He said. "Is young Mydoria in there?" Almight asked. "No." Kacchan said. I smacked his shoulder and moved in front of him. "What is it Almight?" I asked. "Your mother and I was wanting to know if you and young Bakugou wanted to go out with us for a bit." Almight said. I glanced back at Kacchan and he just shrugged. "Um yeah sure." I said. "Okay I shall tell her." He said as he walked away. I shut the door and walked over to Kacchan who was laying on the bed. I laid down on him and sighed. "What's wrong 'Zuku?" He asked as he started playing with my hair. "Nothing." I said. "I'm just bored, but not bored and I'm tired, but not tired." I said. He laughed and put his hand under my chin and made me face him. "Your....weird." He said and kissed me. "But your my weirdo and I love you." He said and kissed me again. I smiled and kissed him back. "And your my angry explosion boy and I love you." I said. "Izuku, Katsuki are you ready?" My mom asked. "Yeah." Kacchan said. He opened the door and we walked out. "Where are we going to first?!" I asked excitedly. "Well a friend of mine recommended visiting the Empire State so we'll go there today since that's probably all we have time for right now." Almight said.
Time skip (at the building)
We are currently at the very top floor of the building, I think it has over 100 floors. They have a restaurant on almost every floor as well. (A/n I'm not actually sure what the building looks like on the inside 😅 I've never been, but my cousin has told me what it looks like it's just been forever ago and I forgot most of it) We are currently at the restaurant on the top floor waiting on our food. "How are you all enjoying the trip so far?" Almight asked us. "I love it! I haven't seen that much of it yet, but what I have seen I love!" I said. "It's pretty great. The way the city is lit up is beautiful." My mom said and glanced out the window. I looked out and my eyes widened. "It's-" "Beautiful." Kacchan cut me off. I glanced over at him, but he wasn't looking outside he was looking at me. "Kacchan look." I said and pointed to the window. He glanced over, but then turned back to me. "It's pretty yeah, but I wasn't talking about that." He said. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. "I was talking about you." He said. "You take my breath away every time you smile." He said. His cheeks had a light blush as he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. I blushed and hid my face in my hands. "Kacchan that was.....so cheesy." I said and giggled. "Hey! That wasn't cheesy! It came straight from my heart." He said which only made me laugh. He let go of my hand and crossed his arms. "Fine, then you want to make fun of me you can't hold my hand or hug me until I say so." He said. I pouted and tried to put my arms around him. "But, Kacchan.." I whined. The waitress brought our food and drinks out then left. "No buts." He said and took a bite of food. "What if I said I'm sorry?" I asked. He shook his head. "Fine then no more kisses...." I started and brought my lips to his ear. "Or any "cuddling"...." I whispered to where only he could hear. He shivered and glared at me. "That shit ain't right." He said. I shrugged and started eating. "Young love is so adorable!" My mom said. My face heated up and I turned away from her. "Mom!" I said. She laughed and started eating. The rest of the dinner went by quickly. "Okay I think it's time to head back to the hotel." Almight said. "We'll go sightseeing tomorrow." My mom said. We all stood up and walked out. Halfway to the hotel I reached for Kacchans hand, but he moved it away from me. I pouted and crossed my arms. We went to our room and I laid down on the bed. "Hey Deku." Kacchan said. "Yes Kacchan?" I asked. "Wanna take a shower?" He asked. "Yeah...But not with you." I said. He looked at me wide eye. "Why not?" He asked and walked over to me. "Cause....Kacchan was mean." I said and crossed my arms. "But 'Zukuuu....." he whined. "No buts." I said mimicking his voice. He stood up and walked to the bathroom. "What the fuck ever. I'll be in the shower if you change your mind." He said. He shut the door and a few seconds later the shower started. It's very tempting to go in there, but I must remain strong. I'll make Kacchan give in first. A small smirk grew on my face. Dang I love the idea of teasing Kacchan.....maybe a little to much. I walked over to the dresser I put my clothes in and looked through it. I grabbed a pair of black short that came a little below my butt and a red crop top along with white knee high socks. I laid on the bed and waited for Kacchan. I sat up Indian style once the water shut off. A few minutes later the door opened and I sat up on my knees.

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