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He took another deep breath and looked down at his lap. I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together. "It's okay. Take your time." I said. "They.....they....tortured me in many different ways.....the guy with hands...he'd start to denigrate my skin....." He started tracing over some scars. "He'd quit and let them heal up then do it again and again. There was this girl, she looked about our age maybe younger, she....she had knifes of different shapes and sizes.....she took the little knifes, at first, and she throw them at me and if they uh....if they hit me....she'd...she'd skip over to me and....and she would shove them farther into me....she'd....she'd twist them and pull them out then shove them back in....I was screaming, begging them to stop. Every time I thought it was over they'd just come up with new ways to make it more worse than before." He had started crying again. He squeezed my hand tightly. "There were days when I felt like I had died....believe me I wanted to...death seemed better than what they were doing. They would.....rip my shirt off and....they'd stick this white, hot, branding iron against me." He started tracing some other scars. "Kacchan you don't have to tell me everything right now." I said. "I want to Deku." He said. I wiped his tears away and kissed his cheek. "They guy who made those copies he would beat me....some days with his fist others with this bat that had barbed wire and nails on it. They fed me rarely and they gave me little to no water.... I got 1 or 2 hours of sleep if I was lucky......" He started tearing up again. He laid his head on my shoulder. He cried for a bit and then calmed down a little. "There was this one guy...he had purple scars all over him...he was...different. He never did....what the others did....he'd clean my wounds and he'd always give me something to eat...even if it was just a sandwich or two I was really grateful. He'd come in there and he'd sit and talk to me...he helped me to not completely lose my mind. He told me he didn't want to be there, but that he didn't have anywhere else to go...he don't want to be a villain, but because of his quirk his dad branded him as a villain." He said. I had no idea what to say. No words could ever make him feel any better. I wrapped my arms around him and held him closer. He buried his face in my neck and I kissed his head. I feel so terrible, I can't believe he went through all that and is still struggling, but he stands strong. "It's okay now Kacchan. They won't hurt you anymore. I won't let them." I said. I held him tighter. He raised his head up and put his forehead on mine. "I love you Izuku.....I don't ever want to lose you." He said. I kissed his nose. "I love you to Katsuki. I'm not going anywhere so you won't ever lose me." I said. He kissed me and wrapped his arms around my neck. He got up on his knees, putting them on either side of my thighs, and kissed me passionately. He bit my lip and slid his tongue in. "Never leave me." He said between kisses. "Never." I panted out. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Promise me. Promise that no matter what happens you'll never leave." He said and went in for another kiss. "I promise. Your all I've ever wanted and all I'll ever want." I said and kissed him once more. He tugged on the hair on the nape of my neck. I slid my hands up his back, across his back, and to his chest. I played with his nipples, twisting and pulling them. He moaned into the kiss and I took this as an opportunity to slip my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues wrestled for dominance he ended up wining. We broke for air I started kissing down his neck to his shoulder. I kissed the bite mark that I had made earlier and then licked it. "I love you so much baby." I whispered against his neck. "Hm..I love you with all my heart beautiful." He said. He tangle his fingers in my hair as I began sucking on his neck. He tilted head up to expose more of his neck. He moaned louder and started pulling my hair. I slid my hands down under his butt and raised up with him. Not moving away from his neck I laid him on the bed and climbed on top of him. He wrapped his legs around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Hmm.." He moaned. I made a trail of kisses back up to his lips. He slid my shorts and boxers down to my knees then flipped us over and pulled them all the way off. He slid my shirt off and began sucking my nipple and playing with the other.
                  Time skip to after all that
Me and Kacchan laid in bed in nothing but our boxers talking to each other. He agreed to get help once we get back home. Allmight said he'd talk to the school about getting Kacchan counseling at the school as well. We already have him an appointment set up with a therapist and he's nervous of course, but I told him he shouldn't worry's
    Time skip to two months later
My mom and.....Allmight are OFFICIALLY TOGETHER NOW!!! It's so flipping great. Kacchans therapy is going great, he has to take some medication for a while, but he's doing a lot better than he was. Kiri and Todo finally came out to the whole class.....even though it was an accident. Uraraka and Iida are together now and they seem very happy, Iida has actually became more....eh friendly and his social skills have improved. In exactly two months class 1-A will be heading to summer vacation which means......WE WILL BE GOING INTO OUR SECOND YEAR!! So I guess you could say our lives are a lot better now and we couldn't be happier.
So this is the end! I'm actually quite happy with the way it ended and I hope y'all are too! I loveeeeedddd writing this story and I can't wait to make another...well attempt another anyways 😂😅.

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