Count on Me (Draco x Hermione)

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"You don't know me, Malfoy, leave me alone," Hermione was crying on the floor of an empty corridor of Hogwarts one late winter day.

"Shouldn't you be with Potter and your Weasley boyfriend?" I asked, crouching next to her.

"He isn't my boyfriend, nor is Harry my friend anymore," Hermione's tears streamed freely down her face as she looked at me.

"Why? Maybe I can help you?" I lowered my voice and made it more gentle considering the current state Hermione was in.

"You can't help me Draco, no one can. Don't you see? We aren't supposed to be friends. A mudblood and a pureblood. Besides, you don't know anything about girl desperation," Hermione dried her eyes on her sleeve and sniffed as she looked at me.

"Don't call yourself that. And I've dealt with more girl drama than anyone ever will. Pansy was always so keen on her drama and had to tell someone everything," I looked at Hermione, seeing her smile. "Do you want a hug? I know it'll make you feel better," I playfully smiled, extending my arms to her.

"Why not?" She wrapped her arms around me awkwardly from our sitting positions on the floor. In that moment, I knew I was in love with Hermione Granger. "Draco, why do you want to help me?" Hermione said my name and it rolled off her lips like honey.

"Because Granger, I like you. You mean something to me, if that makes any sense," Even my own words surprise me. Hermione's eyes widen at my words.

"Do you want to know the truth Draco? Ron cheated on me with Lavender, Lavender Brown. That git was snogging the daylights out of her in an empty classroom. So I interrupted them and punched him in the face. It was fun seeing their reactions, pure hate and a bunch of blood," Hermione started to cry again so I pulled her close to me again and let her cry on my shoulder.

"Hey Hermione, I know there is a Hogsmeade trip coming up. Would you like to go with me, maybe?" I stutter out suddenly embarrassed.

I look at Hermione's face and see a wave of emotions. "I'd love to Draco," She whispers.

"Come on, we have to get to class," I stand up and then help Hermione up, grabbing her belongings as well.

"Walk with me?" She asks and I notice her eyes aren't red anymore.

"Sure, love," And we walk down the hall, hand in hand.

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