Accio Hermione (Draco x Hermione)

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Draco was nervous. He wanted to ask Hermione to the Yule ball. He turned around a corner and saw her talking to Ron and Harry. Draco scowled at them. He wanted nothing more than for her to be in his arms. 

"I hope this works," Draco whispers under his breath. "Accio," Draco points his wand slightly toward Hermione's class papers and they came flying to him and hit him in the face. 

"Oh Merlin, I'm so sorry! The wind must have blown them," Hermione rushed around the corner toward Draco and pulled the papers off his face. "Oh, Malfoy. I-I'm sorry. Really I am, I didn't do anything," She stutters and backs away, eyes widening in fear. 

"Hermione," Draco slips his arm around Hermione's petite waist and pulls her toward him. 

"W-What are you doing? Draco, stop this instant," Hermione fights against his grip. 

"Will you go to the Yule ball with me?" Draco quickly spills out.

"That is what this is all about?" Hermione stops struggling to look him in the face.

"I like you a lot, Hermione Granger. More than you could imagine. So, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" Draco grins and Hermione is taken aback.

"Y-you like me? A muggle-born mudblood?" Hermione's eyes are filled with curiosity. 

"Yes, Hermione, I bloody love you," Draco looks hurt as Hermione pulls away. 

"I'll go with you," Hermione whispers as she backs out of Draco's reach.

Draco's eyes widen as she turns around and runs back to Ron and Harry. He looks down and notices she forgot her papers. "Wait, Hermione, you forgot your bloody papers!" Draco bends down and grabs the papers. He runs to catch up with her.

"Back off Malfoy," Draco looks at a familiar, annoying Weasley. 

"You back off Ronald," Hermione steps in front of Draco, protectively.

Ron and Draco's eyes both go wide in shock. "Thank you for my papers, Draco," Hermione takes the papers from him and looks him in the eyes, signaling for him to follow her. 

They begin walking down an empty corridor and Draco asks, "Why did you choose me? You could have rejected me and gone with Harry or Ron. But why me? I know you're scared of me, but you did bloody punch me in our third year. That takes guts,"

Hermione pulls Draco and they stop in the middle of a long corridor. "Because Draco, Ron is cheating on me and Harry is secretly dating Ginny. I bloody love you, too,"

Before Draco could say anything else, Hermione kissed him, catching him off guard. "Hermione, what was that?" 

But a response was cut off with the voices of other students. Hermione slipped her hand in his and they were off. Down the hall and to class. For the world to find out their secret. That they were in love with each other.

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