Snape's Daughter

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Severus Snape was not one to love. After Lily and James died, he blamed himself for even bringing their names up at death eater meetings. All he wanted was to be with Lily and instead, he felt responsible for the deaths of his greatest love and worst enemy. It wasn't until 1988 that he realized something was wrong with their deaths. It was too easy of a death. And what were they protecting? And in 1988, he met a little girl named Lilianna Toby Evans, and that little girl gave him hope. She resembled Lily with her bright orange hair and her intellect. She had black eyes and pale skin. But, wait, no. It couldn't be. She was dead. And even if what he thought was true, he didn't want to believe it.

Because eleven and a half years prior in 1978, on the night of the Hogwarts Graduation Lily and Severus were drunk with the other graduates in the room of requirement. And Severus and Lily hooked up. But she was eighteen then and so was he. And In the year of 1989, Severus decided to console Dumbledore on this matter. 

"Treacle Fudge," A shaken Snape said to the statue guarding Dumbledores office. As he stepped in and waited, he went over the words in his head. I have a daughter. I have a daughter. I have a daughter with Lily Potter. "Albus, I've made a grave mistake. I have a daughter."

Severus explained everything to Dumbledore who felt they needed to down a bottle of firewhiskey. There they sat, in a drunken stupor in Dumbledores office as Severus tried to remember his graduation night. 


Lily was drunk and Severus wanted to bring her back to her dorms because she was wandering the halls. Lily was leaning on Severus as they were walking and she mumbled something about being sick so he took her to the prefect's bathroom. She was throwing up and trying to get out of the dress she had on. Severus remained outside the stall respectfully. He tried to maintain composure when Lily walked out of the stall in only her undergarments. He woke up the next morning on the floor with Lily with even less clothing than her. Ashamed, he ran to the Slytherin common room and locked himself in his room. 


"So you're telling me you banged up your enemy's girlfriend and she gave birth to your daughter?" Dumbledore slurred his words.

"Well I mean, that's kind of how it went." Severus was lying on Dumbledore's desk.

"There's only one thing to do and that's a relations potion. I assume you know what that is." Dumbledore looked at the stressed-out potions master. 

Severus knew what it was and he was not looking forward to it.

A/N - hi this was a crap story. I don't know if anyone wants a part 2 but I was sort of bored and just wrote this

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