No Matter What pt. 1(Ron x Reader)

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(Y/N is where you put your name)

"Ron, where are you taking me? It's the middle of the night and the last time we got caught, Snape had us scrub out all of the cauldrons." Y/n was being dragged through the castle by her boyfriend Ron Weasley. You two had been dating for almost two years now. It was now your fourth year and you were both fourteen. Your house was Gryffindor which was looked down on by the rest of your family. Your Parents just so happened to be Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, which, yes, made Draco your brother.

So as Ron was leading you through the dark halls, you thought about how awesome it was to rebel from your stupid and stuck up parents. "Come on, Y/n, ease up." Ron laughed and held our hand as you two walked up a flight of stairs which got narrower. You passed a classroom and went up more stairs. You finally stopped at the astronomy tower door. "Okay, are you ready for some fun?" Ron grinned stupidly.

"Oh yes, Mr. Weasley, just floored with energy for whatever you have planned." You grinned right back.

He pushed open the door and you both walked up a few steps to get to the balcony of the tower. You turned and gasped. Ron had set up a tiny picnic with chocolate-covered strawberries and butterbeer with a pile of fluffy blankets since it was cold. "Surprise Y/n! It's a midnight picnic. I figured we could come up here to see the stars and I had something important to tell you." Ron said. He laid a blanket on the ground and sat, patting the empty space next to him. You happily obliged and sat with him. He wrapped another blanket around the two of you.

You two made small talk and ate and drank. The butterbeer warmed you both up as you two were wrapped in blankets and looking at stars. "Y/n can I ask you something? It's okay to say no but I just wanted to ask you." He looked at you and bit his lip.

You loved it when he made that face. He looked so cute. "Sure go ahead." You replied.

"So you know how the Yule Ball is this year and we can go?" Ron asked. You nodded your head for him to continue. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me? Y/n will you be my date?"

You were shocked because usually, Ron wasn't the one to make the moves.

"Y/n is that a yes or no? I'm fine with you saying no. It's just since you're my girlfriend I figured we might go toge-" But Ron's words were cut off by your lips pecking his. His face went redder than his hair and he turned away.

"Ron? Are you okay? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." You looked at his and pulled his arm, trying to get him to look at you.

He mumbled something but you couldn't hear him

"Pardon? Ron, you really have to speak up."

"I said, it was my first kiss and I was sort of shocked but you still didn't answer my question." He replied, looking at you in the eyes.

"Of course I'll go with you silly. I didn't kiss you for no reason." You blushed. Even though you two have been dating for almost two years, you two still didn't kiss. You were both young and didn't really do anything besides hold hands. He would give you the occasional kiss on the forehead but otherwise no PDA.

"Hey Y/n, I-i love you." He blushed.

"I love you too Ron." You smiled at him and stayed in his arms all night.

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