To whoever reads this (George Weasley)

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It's just not fair. So many people died in the war. Fred, Tonks, Remus, Snape, Colin Creevy, Lavender Brown and so many more. Most of my life's energy was wasted in the war. I woke up in the forest outside Hogwarts all bloody and bruised. I came back to find the school in ruins. But I also came back to the end of the war, the great battle between the chosen one and the dark lord. The war to end all wars.

Well, life went on. People mourned losses, married, had children, sent them to Hogwarts and so on. But I, of all people, stayed in the background. No one acknowledged me as a human. No one gave me an Order of Merlin first or even second class. No one made me a teacher at Hogwarts. Instead, I got a flat in muggle London, got a job in a small thrift shop, and made a decent living, almost forgetting the wizarding world. Until one day when my life changed once again.

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy divorced their wives and are now gay. They wanted me to attend their wedding. Well, if they wanted me to help back then, I would have been down for it. Now, I wanted to live my life and build the courage to ask out the girl who was working shifts with me. Although muggle life was great, I wanted to go back to see the people I left behind. The only thing I was scared of was people feeling sorry for me.

I wanted to see my family. My mum and dad don't know where I am. My poor sister dealing with her divorce from Harry. My equal counterpart dead. I, George Weasley, was a broken man. I left my business in Diagon Alley for Charlie and Bill to run when I was gone. Well, that was over a decade ago. Only my older brothers knew of my whereabouts. I did get occasional owl letters from them. I got one two months ago saying Hermione and Charlie were happily engaged and Ron was patching things up with some girl he met in America. Bill and Fleur were on their third child and Percy got married to some girl named Audrey.

All I wanted to do when I returned was go see Fred's grave. I wanted to be alone with him. I wanted to tell him about my new life. But most of all, I wanted to tell him I loved him. I would give anything to hear his voice, us laughing together or planning a prank. War brings out the worst in people but then again, it brought people together in the most unlikely of situations. Before the war, Ron was planning on proposing to Hermione after school, Percy was trying to become minister of magic, Bill was living with Fleur in shell cottage, Harry and Ginny were in a happy relationship and Fred and I were going to run the joke shop.

But life is unfair and death hurts us. I hope this letter gets out to someone. I'm not dying or depressed or anything like that. I just want to move away and forget about everything. Even if I obliviate myself, they'll come looking. I, George Weasley, had the most secrets out of everyone.


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