Bloody Hell (fremione)

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(WARNING: Has mentions of blood, abuse, and depression)

I was walking down a quiet corridor toward the quidditch field when suddenly I heard crying in an empty classroom. I knew it was wrong to intrude on someone who was in an emotional state. But what people don't know about me is that I'm not just a jokester but an honest and caring person as well. I snuck up to the doorway and saw a girl curled up on the floor sobbing. I slowly approached her and I immediately recognized the girl. Carmel eyes and warm ivory skin.

"Granger, what's wrong?" I crouched down next to Hermione as her body shook.

"Fred, you shouldn't be here. You have to go," She covered her face and turned away from me.

"Hermione, you have to tell me what's wrong. I want to help you," I sat next to her, leaving a few inches in between us.

"Fred, he's going to come back," Hermione turned. And then she faced me.

"Bloody Hell, Hermione. You're all bloody. You need help," I looked her over and saw gashes on her arms and marks on her face. "Who did this to you?" I growled. Hermione was still crying and blood was now staining the floor.

"Fred, if I tell you, please promise to not tell anyone," Her voice broke the silence as she pleaded with me.

"I promise not to tell anyone," I looked at her with sincerity and she sighed, relieved. "Unless you are in life-threatening danger." My voice must have triggered something because her eyes welled up with even bigger tears. "Please don't cry," I muttered a spell that cleaned up the blood and bandaged the wounds.

"Fred, your brother did this to me," She whispered as she scooted closer to me. I tried not to seem shocked. "After Harry died, Ron was just not the same. When we started dating, he would beat me up and lock me away. An hour ago he came in here when I was finishing up extra classwork and he just beat me up and called me a worthless know-it-all git. And for no reason. He does this all the time," Hermione sobbed and laid her head on my shoulder. "After he left, I decided whether or not to die. I just can't deal with him or anybody. Have you ever heard of the muggle term, bipolar depression? Well, I've had it since I was a child. Only Harry and Ginny knew," Hermione sobbed and I gently wrapped my arms around her.

The stinging pain in my chest of the names of my sister and her boyfriend hurt. They died almost two years ago. "Hermione, he won't hurt you anymore. I promise I will protect you. Don't ever think about dying. I'm always here to talk to you and George and the rest of us. You are loved and you have awesome friends and family. I love you," My words caused me to tear up and we sat there on the cold stone floor, crying. "I just have one question, where is my bloody brother? I want to kill him," I hugged Hermione as we stood up.

"He said he was going to Dumbledore to talk about leaving. He wants me to go with him," She whispered with a sad look in her eyes.

"Thanks Hermione. I'm off to beat him up and get expelled," I was walking out of the classroom and wiping my face when I was tugged backward.

"Hey Fred? I love you too," She grabbed my hand and we walked towards the castle again. Hermione looked at me and smiled. Her smile lit me up and caused my stomach to do flips.

"How long have you loved me?" I asked her.

"Since that day I was sorted into Gryffindor and I saw you. When you played quidditch with Harry at his first match. When you gave Harry the map. When you fought in the battle beside me."

"I've loved you since you became friends with my worthless, annoying prick of a brother."

"Fred, what do we do now?"

"I once heard a story that when two people love each other, they date."

"What about Ron? He's going to come after me and he could kill me and you and we would be dead and then we would never....."

But I cut Hermione off with a short peck to her delicate lips. I wanted to distract her from everything in her head. But most of all, I wanted to hurt Ron. I wanted to hurt Ron for making Hermione feel worthless, for thinking her death would make the world a better place. Sure, it would make Ron happy, but if Ginny and Harry were here, they would care for her and defend her with all of the will power they had. From this moment forward, I will now vow to protect Hermione with every single atom in my body, every hair, every blood molecule. Now and forever.

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