Draco x Reader

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"Hey y/n!" Draco Malfoy was running toward you from across the courtyard. He  

"Hello, Draco," You reply, blushing. Draco had been your crush for five years it was now your 6th year at Hogwarts and you were scared to lose him. You knew he took up the dark mark and you loved him too much to hurt him. Everyone thought you were dating because you spent countless hours together.

"Y/n, Earth to y/n, are you okay?"Draco waves a hand in front of your face and you snap out of your thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about us," As soon as the words leave your mouth you regret it and start blushing like a mad man.

"U-us? Like a couple?" Draco stutters and starts to blush as well.

"W-well, you know, just friends. Like you and I as friends, friends, and only friends." You can't bear to look Draco in the eyes and you start to run away from him, leaving him speechless.

"Wait, y/n!" Draco yells, running after you.

"What? I'm busy," You stop in an empty corridor and yell angrily at Draco, feeling great remorse.

"Do you like me?" Draco pants out in between deep gasps for air. 

"Do you like me?" You ask Draco back, walking up to him slowly.

"Y/n," He whispers as your faces are only inches apart.

"Draco," You whisper back, causing Draco's Adam's apple to bob in his throat. "I really do like you and I don't want anything to happen to you." Draco slips his hands around your small frame causing you to squeak in shock and delight.

"Y/n, if you would have told me sooner, I wouldn't have taken the bloody dark mark from the bloody dark lord and I would have had a bloody girlfriend that I could have married and had bloody children with and have a bloody happy life without remorse and anxiety." Draco breaths out as you two now hug. He digs his chin into your faded blonde hair as you rest your head on his chest because of how short you are. 

"Promise me no matter what, you won't kill anyone." You lift your head and look into his eyes, worried and scared.

"I can't. No more promises, just unbreakable vows. Blood, death, regret, sadness, depression. You don't understand what I feel." Draco has visible tears streaming down his face now and you feel bad and want to cry as well.

"Draco," Your voice breaks. "Draco, you're right. I don't know what you feel and what you're going through. But I know what will make it better." You offer a weak smile as Draco sniffles in your arms. You gather up a bit of courage and place your lips on his as if they were meant to fit together. 

Draco leans into you more and deepens the kiss. After a while, you two stop and break apart. 

"Y/n, that was bloody amazing. I love you." Draco's words take your breath away and you turn away from him. "What's wrong, y/n? Was it something I said?" Draco turns to you and you try to hide the tears streaming down your face. "Why are you crying?" Draco grabs your hands and wipes your tears.

"You love me. I love you. If something happens to you, what will I do?" Draco opens his arms and you collapse into them, shaking. "I want you Draco, to be with you. You can't be with me and you know it. HE could kill me. You know he could. Draco, I am a mudblood and you are a pureblood. I love you." You turn and start to walk away but Draco grabs your arm. He pulls you to his chest and you two sink to the cold stone floor below you. He cradles your head in his lap. 

"Don't call yourself that awful word. We can be together. We can leave all of this behind and be happy together. Just promise me we will stick together and figure this out." He looks down and takes my hand. 

"Let's get through this together," You agree. Draco stays with you and you stay with him through it all. 



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