Chapter Two

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off at 5:30 am. Time to get up and ready for the day. I roll my eyes and hit the snooze button on my phone. I didn't get much sleep last night when all I could hear in my dream with his Irish accent. I sit up on the edge of my bed and walk over to my closet behind my door taking out a towel. I walk out of my bedroom and I enter into the bathroom. As i shut the door I realize that the door has a lock. Thank God. I never have shared a bathroom with anyone besides Raymond or my mother and this is a change for me. Even in New York we had our bathrooms inside our dorms and we had single dorms. No Roommates. No Drama. As I undress out of my leggings and giants shirt I step into the overly heated shower. As I stand under the shower head with the water running all over my naked body. I feel like I can finally breathe. Once my well deserved shower is over I walk out of the bathroom in my pink boy cut underwear and my gray tank top and my pink bra to match my underwear. I enter into the kitchen to grab a drink. I hear footsteps come up behind me. "Hey Ash, I thought you were still asleep." I say as I turn seeing Hadin standing there. I freeze. "Hadin. What the hell are you doing here?!" I yell at him as I fall back into the fridge doors. 

Hadin laughs and steps closer to me. "I was looking for you Sara, I can't stay away from you." He whispers as he approached me. 

"What?" I choke. I try to move back more but I forget I'm literally up against the fridge. 

"Does this surprise you? Sara." Hadin asks me as he steps closer inches away from my body.

 "I don't know." I clear my throat and continue " I don't know what type of game your trying to play. But I'm not interested." I state but he continues to move closer to me now our bodies are almost touching. "I have a boyfriend" I blurt out. 

"You keep saying that and yet here you are. Alone. Standing in front of me in your panties and tank top." Hadin whispers to me. 

"You should." I clear my throat again. "Go." I croke. 

"Do you really want me to leave?" Hadin asks me as he leans down almost touching my lips. I look at his hazel eyes and I can smell the mint on his breath. 

"Yes." I lie. 

"Really? Because I don't think you want to." Hadin says as he moves in closer his lips gently brushing mine when Ashlynn comes into the apartment with Jace holding four coffees. Hadin doesn't move from his spot he just turns his head to see who interrupted whatever was happening and smirks. 

"Okay. What the hell?" Ashlynn blurts. 

"Nothing much. Just telling your roommate about the party going on tonight." Hadin lies. 

"I thought I was going to talk to her about it." Ashlynn whines. 

"Yeah no." I say pushing Hadin away since he still hasn't moved an inch. 

"Your coming! You promised the next party!" Ashlynn throws back at me. Shit she's right. I did promise her the next party I'd go. 

"Fine." I take a breath. 

Hadin smiles and looks at me. "Great. I'll see you girls then." Hadin smiles at me and walks out of the apartment. 

"Well I'm going to catch up to my idiot brother. Love you babe. Sara." Jace walks out of the apartment and follows Hadin away.

 Ashlynn looks at me and I shake my head. "What the hell did I just walk in on?" She asks me. 

"I don't know he was coming onto me. I didn't know he was here. I came out like this to get a drink and...I don't think I'll go tonight" I blurt out. 

"No your going." Ashlynn scolds me. 

"But Hadin-" I start to protest when Ashlynn cuts me off again. 

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