Chapter V

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'Newt, who is this? What the hell happened?' Alby asked.

Everyone was looking at me from top to bottom, but I didn't feel the slightest intimidation.

'I'm Maria. I came from the other Maze, through an underground passage.'

Alby stared at me, as if I’d spoken to him in a different language. I had no idea what else I could say. Newt saved me:

'And then I found her. She helped me escape a Griever. We got back to where she came from, but the entrance was totally sealed, impossible to open.'

'There is another Maze?' someone from the crowd asked.

'It's the only possible explanation. It's exactly like this one, but we were all girls.'

All of a sudden, noise erupted from everywhere. I couldn’t make out a single thing they said.

 'Settle down.’

Alby didn’t even yell, but his voice seemed to get everyone’s attention. When everyone was completely silent, he continued:

‘We'll treat Maria as our guest, until we manage to find a way to get to the other Maze. We all have many questions, but with time I'm sure Maria will answer them. Now get back to your work,' Alby said.

Everyone glanced at me, as if I were an intruder, which I was. Eventually they went back to their daily activities, with suspicion in their eyes. Newt showed me around the Glade.

'Tonight we'll have a Gathering and discuss more details and what we'll do tomorrow. Meanwhile you can get some rest in my room, if you'd like to.'

'Thanks, but right now I can't sleep.'

'I know that feeling. Well, I bet you're thirsty.'


He gestured me inside of what looked like a kitchen.

'Welcome to the Homestead's kitchen. This is Frypan. He's our cook.'


'Hello! You must be Maria.'

'Yes. I guess news travels fast.'

We talked for a while, and I even managed to laugh a little. Frypan was telling me how nobody appreciated his “art”. As we were walking outside, The Closing began.


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